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The Hoix was encountered by Elton Pope.

Pope, in seach of the Doctor, had managed to locate the Doctor's TARDIS. While following voices into abandoned warehouse, Elton startled the Hoix who attempted to attack him. The Doctor was able to distract the fierce-seeming Hoix with a piece of raw meat and Rose threw a bucket of unidentifiable liquid at the Hoix. Unfortunately, this was the wrong bucket, which just made the Hoix angry. Rose and the Doctor were then chased by the Hoix until Rose was able to find the correct bucket. (DW: Love & Monsters)

Nothing is known about the Hoix or why the Doctor was chasing him/her or how (or if) they eventually defeated him/her.

Behind the Scenes

The name Hoix does not appear in the episode itself, only in the end credits. We also don't know if Hoix refers to the individual or to the species.