Talk:Series 5 (Doctor Who 2005)/Archive 1

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If Series 5 Is Actually The Series That Is In 2010 (Aka The Next Proper Series Not Specials) Who Do You Think Will Be The Next Bad Guy/Girl/Alien/Robot ?, Who Do You Think The Next Companion Will Be ? And What Other Villains/Aliens/Events/Robots/Companions And Any Other Things Will Happen In The Next Series ? Please Reply To This At The Bottom As Im Sure Everyone Has An Opinion Who They Want And Who They Think Will Be In The Next Series? I Think Personally It Could Be::

  • The Black Guardian,
  • The Rani - Or
  • A New Race/Individual Villain That Has Been Created By Steven Moffat And Will Be The Next Person/Race To Try And Beat The Favoritism Of The Daleks And Cybermen.

The Reason Why I Think This Is Because The Daleks And Davros Have Just Been And The Cybermen Will Be In The Christmas Special And The Master Was In The 3rd Series. And I Personally Think That Creatures Like The Zygons, Ice Warriors And The Sea Devils and Etc Are Not Big Enough Characters To Be The Finale Villains. But Who Do You Think ?

For The Next Companion I Think It Will Be A Boy Because The Last Time We Had A Proper Boy Companion Was Vislor Turlough And I Wouldnt Call Adam Mitchell Or Mickey Smith a Companion As A Companion Because Adam Was Iniit For About 2 Mins And He Betrayed The Doctor And Mickey Smith Is Just An Old Boyfriend Of Full Time Companion Rose Tyler. Although Rumours Have Been Going Around That Mickey Smith Will Be playing The Part Of The New Companion Due To The Fact That He Said In Journeys End He Said He Didnt Know Whatt He Was Going To Do With His Life And Ended Going With Torchwood But We Dont Actually Know If He's Joining Torchwood and The Fact That Hes Staying In This Universe Other Than Rose's Parallel. I Dont Think Its A Girl Because Theres Has Been Loads All Though It Could Be River Song. But What Do You Think ?

Rumours Have It And What I Personally Think Is That The Sea Devils, The Zygons And The Wire Are Due To Appear In The Next Series. But What Do You Think ? - Signed Michael Downey

I think that you did not write your message correctly. Don't use capitals at the beginning of every word, it makes the passage into an assault on the readers' senses and difficult to decipher. There are guidelines about polite online communication. Please follow them and people will be happy to communicate with you. -- Noneofyourbusiness 06:47, 4 January 2009 (UTC)

There is always two enemies from the classic series returning in the revived series. In series 1 the Autons and Daleks returned. In series 2 the Cybermen returned. In series 3 the Macra and the Master returned. In series 4 the Sontarans and Davros returned. Who next? For series 5, I've placed my bets on the Ice Warriors and the Yeti. Its just a theory. The evil dudeArnie 10:33, 29 June 2008 (UTC)

Hey i just thought, how about Jenny as the doctors companion in series 5?

I know this isn't about Series 5 but what if the character called Hartigan to be played by Dervla Kirwan is really the Rani and she will return in the Series 5 finale. MercM, 18:14, 11 July 2008.

At this moment in time it is to far away to tell Dark Lord Xander 23:39, 8 August 2008 (UTC)

Though I don't think they're going to appear, I really would like the Mondasian Cybermen, the "originals", to come back to the series. How many times can Cybermen from a parallel would try and take over our world?

As to Michael's questions, I think the next villian will either be the Mara or the Rani. I really hope the next companion is a past one, someone who, like Sarah Jane, the Doctor probably forgot about like Peri or Ace(since there younger than someone like Jo or Leela). Of the alien races they should bring back I think they should bring back the Sea Devils and the Silurians, the Great Intelligence and the Yeti, or the Rutans, which works well since the Sontarans have returned.

I don't feel positive the Rani will return in Series 5 as it may be better to forget the "hand" so that when she does come back it's all the more exciting. If she does come back, I hope Joan Collins plays her. It may also be interesting to have an alien from a novel appear, something like the N-Form or the Gappa. If I had to say the one thing I would like most to be brought back to Doctor Who it would be Romana. User:Steed 00:08, 17 August 2008 (UTC)

New Page for 2009 specials?

I think that, at least for now, until some official designation is given to next years specials, they should have their own page entitled '2009 special' or something similar, whilst this page is left for the series 5 proper. Taccer 07 19:58, 12 August 2008 (UTC)

Yes I think there should be something like that so as to separate the two. I don't think they will be given any series number - just the "specials" so it's probably best to separate this from Series 5 which we know almost nothing about. Jack's the man - 20:47, 13 August 2008 (UTC)

Big call

Article currently has this seemingly innocuous little statement:

David Tennant will return as The Doctor.

Isn't that slightly premature? What's your source for that? CzechOut | 08:33, 11 July 2008 (UTC)

Perhapse "It is beleived David Tennant will return as The Doctor." or Rumoured would be better as if it is removed enirely it will be replaced within days Dark Lord Xander 08:46, 11 July 2008 (UTC)

Right, but my point is that the article USED to say that. It used to hedge its bets, until the last edit. Then someone (anon) came and changed the article in only one way: to sayd that DT WILL return. So it makes me think it might be based on some actual report or something. Course, the wording of this article is confusing right now, because it's not clear whether we're talking about the 2009 series of specials or the 2010 series. Which is odd, because the BBC have definitely called only Doctor Who in 2010 "Series 5". Maybe I'll change that now. CzechOut | 17:03, 11 July 2008 (UTC)
I haven't bothered to go back and look at the histories of previous Series pages to see how they're handled in early pre-production days such as this. So I'm not sure how we handle them. But still I tried to give greater sourcing for statements such that there's at least not much speculation. CzechOut | 18:01, 11 July 2008 (UTC)
I think we should move the DT line to a behind the scenes that way its on the page (so Anon's) won't go re-adding it but also because it isn't likly to be officially confermed until next year at the earlest Dark Lord Xander 00:52, 12 July 2008 (UTC)

Tennant rumor

I see someone has placed another "Tennant is leaving" rumor on the page with no source and no confirmation. I added a strongly-worded embedded note in hopes of preventing this from continuing. Until the BBC or a major piece of media like the Times announces it (in other words no Daily Mail, Daily Star, Daily Sport or Daily Fleabag reports, thank you very much; Guardian and Scotsman, maybe) such rumors should be treated a bogus and not included. Gardner announced at ComicCon that Tennant is in for the 2009 specials (so any reports of Morrissey taking over at Christmas 2008 are bogus) and all we have for certain is that he's "made his decision" regarding 2010. No doubt an announcement will be made in due course, but perhaps not for awhile if Davies is trying to avoid the spoilers that ruined Eccleston's supposed-to-be-surprise regeneration. Granted, Gardner's comments could be part of a smokescreen, but unless or until she is proven to have fibbed her statements have to be treated as authoritative. 23skidoo 03:51, 2 September 2008 (UTC)

Also, David Tennant's contract is around for 5 years so if I am correct that gives him until 2010 but with this Gap Year thing perhaps 2011. -The Doctor Forever 04:22, 23 September 2008 (UTC)


NO THEY CAN'T! Seriously?! No Doctor Who until 2010?! That's impossible and I have to wait until August because I live in Australi! Someone PLEASE tell me that it's not true! -The Doctor Forever 04:19, 23 September 2008 (UTC)

It's not true. There are three specials in 2009. -- Noneofyourbusiness 06:47, 4 January 2009 (UTC)


Anyone have cites for rumors of a Nightshade adaption and Faces in the Sand? Golden Monkey 22:47, 3 January 2009 (UTC)

And again...any cite for no old enemies coming back? --Golden Monkey 23:26, 3 January 2009 (UTC)

Old enemies

"Moffat has stated that there will not be any enemies from the old series returning." Gee, I'm totally willing to accept this completely and utterly citeless statement. *deletes* --Golden Monkey 21:45, 18 February 2009 (UTC)

Series 1

I just heard on GB that Steven Moffat has decided to restart the numbering (this is apparently in the new DWM, which we haven't gotten here yet)...I have absolutely no clue why he would do this, but will just be renamed series 1 (2010) or just kept as is (since everyone is just going to call it series 5 anyway)? --Golden Monkey 15:39, 24 June 2009 (UTC)

  • To be clear, Moffat has nothing to do with it; the BBC is planning to do this. But as we discuss in the thread below, I just can't see them promoting it as Series 1 again. It'd be too confusing, especially to American audiences. 23skidoo 19:35, 2 August 2009 (UTC)

What does this rumor mean?

There is also a rumour stemming from this that there could also be a twist in the plot that the Eleventh Doctor is the 10th incarnation and the Tenth Doctor is older.

I don't understand what it means, can someone explain if possible. --Torchwood 2 12:23, 18 July 2009 (UTC)

I saw that too; I'm going to delete it. We KNOW that Tennant is the Tenth; he regenerated on-camera. Monkey with a Gun 23:18, 20 July 2009 (UTC)

The Sun Slideshows

Ok, i've never actually seen pictures of filming but I assume that they don't use special effects for a stationary tardis. Have you seen the tardis in those pics? it looks so bad, I hope that's not part of the re-design cause it doesn't look as good... or was this just a test run filming to see how the characters and actors work together? Anyone else hate that Tardis? --Torchwood 2 14:48, 20 July 2009 (UTC)

  • Look at other on-location images of the TARDIS. It never looks as good in person as it does on screen. Personally I can't tell the difference except that the St. John sticker is back. The color is meaningless because colors are always muted on film, and if you're going to harp about the size of the windows, remember Moffat already made fun of you in Blink. ;-) 23skidoo 19:34, 2 August 2009 (UTC)
    • What does that mean, "Moffat already made fun of you in Blink". What are you talking about? --Torchwood 2 23:20, 2 August 2009 (UTC)
      • Sorry for the belated response but I just noticed your question. DI Shipton's comment regarding the windows in the TARDIS being too small to be a proper police box, according to DWM and a few other sources, were directly aimed as an in-joke regarding people's complaints over the TARDIS design in the revival. 23skidoo 17:59, October 16, 2009 (UTC)

Spoiler tag

(Adding this note because I accidentally hit return before I could complete my edit summary). We don't need another copy of the Doctor Who logo, especially since we don't know if that version will be used for Series 5. What we do need is a spoiler tag given that certain guest stars and other details are now starting to emerge. 23skidoo 15:06, 20 July 2009 (UTC)

Series 1 all over again

DWM #410 contains a minor bombshell on p.5 that hasn't been picked up yet - the BBC plans to start numbering the series from scratch, so 2010 will not be Series 5, but Series 1. That's going to make marketing things like DVD box sets a pain. I recommend, for the sake of avoiding confusion, that we stick with calling it Series 5 rather than going to Series 1 again; alternately we could drop the whole thing and just go with Series 31. Thoughts? 23skidoo 03:03, 26 July 2009 (UTC)

Well, the 1963 series changed production teams several times without renumbering; I see no reason that the 2005 series should start over just because Davies and Gardner are leaving. I agree; this is Series 5. Monkey with a Gun 04:16, 26 July 2009 (UTC)
Agreed, stick with Series 5 for now. It seems madness from a marketing point of view for the BBC to need to market two Series One boxed sets. --Tangerineduel 13:18, 26 July 2009 (UTC)
I think that's a good call, and I agree - I have no idea what the BBC is thinking, because the general public will be seeing this as the 5th series. I'm worried that the BBC might be planning to do what it did with the "classic series" and retire marketing of the Eccleston and Tennant eras once the Smith era begins (as in discontinuing printing the New Series novels with Doctors 9 and 10, and deleting the DVDs). I wouldn't put it past them. 23skidoo 16:03, 26 July 2009 (UTC)
Yeah, most likely the general public (and fans) will refer to it as series 5 'cause this so random and confusing, so we should keep it here. This is just plain confusing...--Golden Monkey 13:31, 28 July 2009 (UTC)
It might not hurt to get the message out to the powers that be, though. The new Doctor Who News Page seems to have missed this tidbit. I didn't bother signing up to GallifreyBase so I don't know if they've touched on it yet. It's not the end of the world, but it is an easy-to-rectify dumb decision 23skidoo 02:42, 30 July 2009 (UTC)


  • Pictures posted on provide evidence that the Daleks will appear in Series 5. The photos indicate that the Daleks will appear in a story set during World War One that will feature actor Bill Paterson. It also appears that the Daleks will once again sport the grey colour scheme from the stories of the 1970s and 1980s].
I thought it would be set in World War Two seeing as Bill Patterson is playing Churchill. --Catkind121 14:11, November 27, 2009 (UTC)
Daleks in series 5 has been confirmed by a trailer on the BBC website. Digifiend 03:05, January 2, 2010 (UTC)

Neil Gaiman rumor

There's a list of "Series 5 writers" circulating among forums today that includes Neil Gaiman, however Gaiman issued a Twitter message denying this. As such the whole list is suspect and should not be used for this article. A list of writers will no doubt be issued by the BBC or DWM in due course, so we should wait till they are confirmed (not including Curtis, who has been confirmed, and Moffat, of course). 23skidoo 22:02, September 30, 2009 (UTC)

Broadcast date for US removed

Since the BBC won't announce the airdates for Season 5 until as little as a few weeks before broadcast, maybe a month or two if we're lucky, it's impossible for BBC America or anyone to speculate that the show will air in April, May, and June, so I removed this. Also removed is the speculation/assumption that BBC America would show the season uninterrupted if the BBC splits it. We don't know this - BBC America can only show the episodes once BBC UK releases them (they're not the same company, remember); this also goes for Space in Canada and the other broadcasters. If the season is split, it will be a game changer and we need to wait until official sources (not blogs or fan sites) tell us what is going to happen. It could just as easily be speculated that the BBC could decide to hold the series till fall, and as they don't announce airdates far in advance they could very well make such a last minute decision for all we know. 23skidoo 13:26, October 6, 2009 (UTC)

Filming in Croatia

According to the website of one of the assistant directors, they filmed one of the episodes in Croatia back in August (they kept that quiet). The BBC has yet to confirm so I had to put it into the Rumours section. I'm not too comfortable about having a personal webpage used as a source, so if another source can be found, even a fan site or something like DigitalSpy, I'd prefer that link be used instead, if possible.23skidoo 17:55, October 16, 2009 (UTC)

I've added the new logo (or, rather, the first version of the new logo to be unveiled) to the top of the page to be consistent with how other season articles have featured the logo, such as the 2009 Specials article. The logo is meant to be centered, however the protection tag is messing up the formatting at the moment. Since we don't know which version of the logo - this one or the horizontal version also released by the BBC - this could be changed once the opening sequence for series 5 is finally known. 23skidoo 14:28, October 22, 2009 (UTC)


I suggest that we move the rumours section to the forum pages like the waters of mars page or somewhere else. most of the rumours placed are irrelevant and many of them are just fan base speculation and as there are so many and only leave the confirmed rumours on this page. Michael Downey 13:19, November 11, 2009 (UTC)


This page seems unorganised and has many pieces of information scattered everywhere and most of it just speculation or false The Page needs a massive clean up does anyone agree? Michael Downey 10:19, November 15, 2009 (UTC)

Wholeheartedly agree. Will see if I can figure out more of the unconfirmed from the real information, and edit accordingly. Lostdrewid 05:35, January 2, 2010 (UTC)

Episode Names

Apparently one of the set reporters for Series 5 named Scooty has released a list of episode titles and writers, I have list them here for possible implementation into the article if found out correct.

Info available at:

Michael Downey 16:46, November 23, 2009 (UTC)

Yes, but the site itself that these names may change, so we might want to leave it for a while before they are more confirmed. --Dalek036 18:21, November 23, 2009 (UTC)
Removing the episode names (as they and their descriptions are of potential spoiler nature). --Tangerineduel 08:14, November 24, 2009 (UTC)
Good call, since this information is so much subject to change. Look at all the titles Midnight went through, and as Season 3 went into production, any similar list would have shown a Stephen Fry episode, which of course never happened. Similarly, Midnight was itself a last-minute replacement for a cancelled episode, written while the season was well into production. Whatever list Scooty purports to have may bear no resemblance at all to what is finally broadcast. 23skidoo 19:13, December 2, 2009 (UTC)

Cast List

Why have some of the cast that appear in the End of time are in the series 5 cast list. --Catkind121 11:59, December 26, 2009 (UTC)


I am removing all content on the page that suggests that the creatures in the new trailer are the Silurians without proper reliable sources. I personally believe they look in no at all resemblence to them and for the simple fact that this has not been confirmed or even rumoured/mentioned. Michael Downey 21:31, January 1, 2010 (UTC)

Two Changes

I made two changes to this article today. The first was to remove the claim, under confirmed rumors, that the contest for creating a new TARDIS console would "definitely" not be the Doctor's TARDIS. The article referenced by this claim said nothing of the sort - in fact, it said flat out that Matt Smith himself would be picking the winner, leading us easily to believe that it will, quite likely, be the Doctor's TARDIS. If nothing else, the claim had to be removed for lack of evidence. Further, I removed the mention that the redesign of the TARDIS console had anything to do with the interior damage done to the TARDIS by the Doctor's regeneration. The interior is mutable, and as we know easily repairable. Hell, the Fifth Doctor described the interior of the TARDIS as a "desktop" in Time Crash, suggesting that one could change TARDIS "themes" as easily as one might change a desktop background in Windows. Either way, the article referenced was sufficient confirmation, and today's new edit was unnecessary. {And to be honest, the lack of punctuation plain irked me.} Lostdrewid 05:35, January 2, 2010 (UTC)

Who is the doctor saying im the doctor to

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Who do you think the doctor saying im the doctor she is a white female with dark brown hair

Rose Tyler Amy Pond Donna Noble (If she loses weight) Lady Christina douza --The mysterious 16:37, January 2, 2010 (UTC)


Does anyone have a link to that non-denial denial Gaiman dropped back in December about him possibly writing Who? IIRC It was something like "If I were, hypothetically, writing for the next season of any long-running science fiction show, it would also hypothetically be true that nothing more can be said until January 2nd" or something like that. I've no idea if it's legit, but... --NotGodot 18:30, January 2, 2010 (UTC)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - MAJOR SPOILER - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • While watching the new trailer for Series 5 with my speakers on full blast I discovered from 0.49 seconds there is a low talking that probably was not meant to be on the trailer. Could this be any type of clues? The only words I can make out is "News" and "Scottish" I think? What can you make out? Michael Downey 20:54, January 2, 2010 (UTC)
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Classic Daleks Revived?

shown in the Series 5 trailer is a grey, old-style dalek (not unlike the ones in Genesis of the Daleks)...any ideas? --Inundated 01:24, January 3, 2010 (UTC)

I just watched the trailer, it actually has a different eyestalk but it is possible. --Dalek036 10:29, January 3, 2010 (UTC)

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Please abide by our discussion policy and be nice to other editors in this discussion. Remember: this talk page is only for discussing the editing of the attached article. Take speculation to The Howling, our general discussion forum. Messages not having to do with the improvement of the article may be deleted.