Theory:Timeline - Twelfth Doctor

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IndexTimey-wimey detector → Timeline - Twelfth Doctor
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This page lists appearances of the Twelfth Doctor in the order in which he experienced them. This timeline is based upon observations of the Doctor Who universe and the events that occur during each of these stories. From these observations we have attempted to build a concise timeline. It is assumed that for each novel, comic, audio or television series, they're published, broadcast or numbered order is the order they occur in.

The layout of this timeline is in part based on the observations on Doctor Who - The Complete Adventures, as well as Lance Parkin's AHistory and other sources that allow us to make observations, such as Doctor Who Reviews, Clive Banks databanks, Whopix, and the Big Finish forums. None of these sources should be used solely as a source or considered a "true" timeline for stories.

Limiting factors


Any story featuring Clara Oswald must come after TV: Deep Breath and before TV: Face the Raven. Any story featuring Nardole must come after the flashback in TV: Extremis and before TV: World Enough and Time. Any story featuring Bill Potts must come after TV: The Pilot and before TV: World Enough and Time.


Early experiences

The Doctor regenerates from his previous incarnation.
Follows directly on from The Time of the Doctor. After fending off Clockwork Droids with the Paternoster Gang in Victorian London, Clara sends the Doctor for coffee in 2010s Glasgow. As he settles into his new body, the Doctor refurbishes the TARDIS console room, such as changing the blue neon piping in the time rotor to amber, and begins to further ponder who gave Clara the TARDIS phone number.
The Doctor helps in the saving of Gallifrey on the last day of the Last Great Time War, and, in the novelisation, travels to the War Room to coordinate disaster relief for Gallifrey. He is alone, has short hair, and his console room is glowing blue, suggesting this takes place after he left Clara, and before he redecorated the TARDIS, during Deep Breath.
The Doctor is getting coffee at the Intergalactic Coffee Roasting Station for Clara, setting this immediately after Deep Breath.
En route to deliver coffee to Clara, the Doctor saves Journey Blue from the Daleks, and is asked to venture into a broken Dalek to see if they can be redeemed. The Doctor picks up Clara from Coal Hill School, three weeks later from her perspective and after she meets Danny Pink, to help him, as he is unsure if he is still a "good man". After the Dalek sees hatred in him, the Doctor returns Clara to Coal Hill, both still unsure if he is "good", but convinced he is trying to be.
The Doctor is alone.

New adventures with Clara

Clara resumes her ongoing travels with the Doctor.
The Doctor and Clara share chips together.
The Doctor mentions the chips that he and Clara recently shared in Untitled, and the TARDIS gets a scratch.
The Doctor has just removed the scratch on the TARDIS, setting this immediately after Planet of the Diners.
The Doctor is still assessing what kind of person he has become.
The Doctor entertains the idea of letting Clara decide their next destination, setting this before Robot of Sherwood. Clara also worries that the Doctor is mistaking her for Jenny Flint, setting this shortly after Deep Breath.
Deciding to let Clara decide their next destination, the Doctor ends up meeting Robin Hood in 1190 Sherwood Forest.
Clara is friendly with Danny, but does not call him her boyfriend, setting this before their date in Listen.
Immediate prequel to Listen.
Clara goes on her first date with Danny.
The Doctor is picking Clara up from Coal Hill School.
Though he is using a blue-emitter sonic screwdriver, authorial intent places this early in the Twelfth Doctor's life.[1] Indeed, he expresses the distaste for soldiers he had in Series 8. The Doctor is alone.
The Doctor is picking Clara up for some adventures while she prepares for another date with Danny.
The Doctor and Clara are left to the mercy of sand piranhas while chained to posts on a desert planet. (TV: The Caretaker)
Clara has a boyfriend, setting this after her and Danny's second date in Time Heist.
The Doctor picks up Clara from her flat, and the two rendezvous with fish people. (TV: The Caretaker)
The Doctor and Clara outrun soldiers to get to the TARDIS. (TV: The Caretaker)
The Doctor was dropping Clara off at Coal Hill School.
While facing a Skovox Blitzer at Coal Hill School, the Doctor meets Danny Pink and learns he's Clara's boyfriend after the two get off on the wrong foot due to Danny's military service. The Doctor takes Courtney Woods on a brief trip in the TARDIS to dispose of the Skovox Blitzer.

Further adventures with Clara

Authorial intent places this between The Caretaker and Kill the Moon.[source needed] The Doctor is traveling alone.
Enough time has passed since The Caretaker for Courtney to have increased her disruptive behaviour. After taking Courtney to the Moon leads to a dilemma about ending an unborn life that the Doctor leaves her to sort out, Clara falls out with the Doctor, and tells him to leave her alone.

Time away from Clara

The Doctor is alone.
The Doctor is alone with a grumpy demeanour.
The Doctor has several adventures with Gertie, before dropping her off in 1986 and promising to return. (COMIC: Super Gran)

Resumed travels with Clara

Several weeks after Kill the Moon, Clara and the Doctor meet up to have a last adventure together on the Orient Express spacecraft, which leads to them making up after the Doctor proves himself by saving Maisie Pitt from the Foretold. Inspired by a talk she had with Maisie, Clara begins lying to Danny about no longer travelling in the TARDIS and having ended it with the Doctor. All stories with Clara acting more like the Doctor take place after this one.
Clara is considering what kind of companion she is, probably because of her recent fall out with the Doctor in Kill the Moon.
After the TARDIS exterior shrinks with him still inside, the Doctor has Clara carry the shrunken TARDIS in her handbag while they and Rigsy deal with the Boneless. During his predicament, the Doctor learns that Clara has been lying to him and Danny after the events of Mummy on the Orient Express. After the TARDIS is returned to normal, the Doctor begins to suspect that Clara has started to act like him.
The Doctor and Clara attempt to take a trip to Antarctica, but accidentally arrive on the surface of the Sun. The Doctor comes to a definite conclusion to his theory of Clara starting to think like him, setting this shorty after Flatline.
Clara recalls the TARDIS landing on the Sun instead of Antarctica, setting this after The Eye of Torment.
According to Clara, the events of Time of the Doctor were "ages ago". Clara mentions "carrying [the Doctor] around next to [her] hairbrush and keys last week", setting this shortly after Flatline.
The Doctor is picking Clara up from Coal Hill School.
Clara says she would do anything to reclaim someone she lost, setting this before Dark Water.
The Doctor and Clara foil a plot by Zorgo the Terrible, (COMIC: Zorgo the Terrible) and meet Diana Winter. (AUDIO: The Gods of Winter)
Set before Dark Water, with cryptic references to Clara betraying the Doctor's trust.
Set during Four Doctors.
Set during Four Doctors.
The Doctor is picking Clara up from Coal Hill School.
Several months have passed since Mummy on the Orient Express, and the Doctor is alone when Maebh Arden finds him. When the world is overran by trees, Danny discovers Clara is still travelling with the Doctor after assuming they hadn't been speaking for three months. Once the crisis is averted, Danny tells Clara to go home and "think about it" before telling him the truth.
The Doctor takes Danny on a trip in the TARDIS and they come to a mutual understanding of each other, though the Doctor loses his memory of their bonding. Danny is aware that the Doctor and Clara are travelling together, setting this after In the Forest of the Night.
Clara mentions the events of In the Forest of the Night.
Authorial intent places this towards the end of Series 8.[2]
After travelling alone for a while, the Doctor learns that Danny was killed in a hit and run when Clara called him to explain everything to do with her travels. Deciding to help Clara find closure, the Doctor takes her to the 3W Institute and learns that the Master, now in a female body and calling herself "Missy", is preparing to invade London with the Cybermen, leading directly into Death in Heaven.
Missy, who is revealed to be the one who gave Clara the Doctor's phone number, is captured by UNIT as the Cybermen take flight, and the Doctor is made "President of Earth" in the face of the Cybermen rising from the graves. Missy kills one of the Osgoods, while Danny, having fought off the cyber-conversion, sacrifices himself to stop the Cybermen, and Missy is apparently killed by a cyber-resurrected Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart after giving the Doctor the coordinates to Gallifrey. Not finding Gallifrey, the Doctor lies about it to Clara, and the two part ways again, though with the Doctor assured that, rather than being "a good man", he is "an idiot" that goes around helping others.

Second chance with Clara

With Clara still on his mind, the Doctor is visited in his TARDIS by Santa Claus. (TV: Death in Heaven)
The Doctor collects Clara during her own encounter with Santa, and realises that the two are being attacked by Dream crabs. Encouraged by a dream of her growing old alone, Clara returns to the TARDIS after she and the Doctor tell each other the truth about Gallifrey and Danny being lost to them.
Set during the events of Last Christmas.
The Doctor throws Clara a surprise birthday party with duplicates of herself, including the Elderly Clara from Last Christmas. As Clara was born in November, it is likely the Doctor is celebrating the birthday he missed between Death in Heaven and Last Christmas.
The Doctor and Clara admire some dogs, not realising that they were almost trapped in a time eddy by Zorgo. (COMIC: Zorgo the Terrible)
The Doctor and Clara steal the portrait of Lady Josephine, which takes on a life of her own due to animae particles. The Doctor takes the painting, calling herself Josie Day, to his old cottage to meet the Eighth Doctor.
Clara mentions Danny's death and is traveling with the Doctor, setting this after Last Christmas.
The Doctor checks on his eighth incarnation and Josie with Clara. The Doctor has shorter hair and is hiding his softer side from Clara behind a grumpy demeanour, setting this before The Hyperion Empire.
The Doctor is alone.
The Doctor was travelling alone when he ran into Hitch. Clara is travelling with the Doctor after Danny's death, setting this after Last Christmas.
The Doctor meets Zorgo again, and has to deal with his time dragon, leading directly into Super Gran.
Zorgo's time dragon takes the Doctor and Clara to the Doctor's old friend, Gertie, and she and her grandson, Charlie Baker, take a brief trip to Mars in the TARDIS.
Devika mentions the events of Kill the Moon.
The Doctor is still travelling with Clara and has previously been "President of Earth", setting this after Last Christmas.
The Doctor uses his green-emitter sonic screwdriver.
The Doctor is now wearing his clothes from Last Christmas.
The Doctor is wearing his clothes from Last Christmas, and wields his sonic screwdriver.
The Doctor is depicted with the clothes he wore in Last Christmas.
Travelling alone in the clothes he wore in Last Christmas, the Doctor reunites with Bernice Summerfield.
The Doctor is alone.
The Doctor is picking Clara up from her flat.
The Doctor recalls the events of Royal Blood, and is depicted with the clothes he wore in Last Christmas.
The Doctor is travelling alone, and is described as having a "thunderclap" of grey hair. Though he displays a hostile attitude, he still attempts to save Perinne from his fate.
Travelling alone, the Doctor lands on Skaro during the Thousand Year War, and sees a boy that needs saving from Handmines. However, when he learns the boy is Davros, the Doctor leaves him to die, deeply traumatising him when the adult Davros sends Colony Sarff to find the Doctor. (TV: The Magician's Apprentice)
Set during The Magician's Apprentice. The Doctor is hiding on Karn, and gives Ohila a confession dial to send to Missy as he prepares to face his end, leading into The Doctor's Meditation.
Set during The Magician's Apprentice. The Doctor is hiding in a castle in 1138 Essex.
Clara is now sporting a shorter hairstyle. The Doctor is found by Clara, Missy and Colony Sarff and taken to see a dying Davros on Skaro, where he sees the Daleks exterminate Missy and Clara, leading directly into The Witch's Familiar.
After rejuvenating Davros with some regeneration energy, the Doctor and Missy foil his plan to create Dalek-Time Lord hybrids, and the Doctor leaves with Clara to save the young Davros to make him learn mercy. The Doctor has replaced his sonic screwdriver with sonic sunglasses.

Continued adventures with Clara

The Doctor picks up Clara from Coal Hill School.
Encountering ghosts on a mining facility, the Doctor decides to go back in time to find the source of the paranormal activity, leading directly into Before the Flood.
The Doctor defeats the Fisher King, and makes arrangements for the ghosts to be dealt with by UNIT.
Ending leads directly into The Meddling of Clara's Song.
Ending leads directly into The Abominable Showmen.
As The Magician's Apprentice made it clear Clara had not seen Missy since the events of Death in Heaven, The Abominable Showmen has to be set after the events of The Witch's Familiar. Ending leads directly into The Five Masters.
Ending leads directly into One! Two! Three! Four! To Doomsday.
Follows on from One! Two! Three! Four! To Doomsday.

Final adventures with Clara

The Doctor and Clara meet Jess Collins at the Highgate Cemetery in 1972.
The Doctor uses his sonic sunglasses and is now wearing his Season 9 clothes.
The Doctor uses Mire technology to render a young Viking girl, Ashildr, immortal and unable to age.
The Doctor is alone and using his sonic sunglasses.
The Doctor is alone, with his silhouette depicting the clothes he wore throughout Series 8, though he is much friendlier than he was in that season.
Travelling alone, the Doctor finds Ashildr in 1651 and, after facing the Leonians together, the two come to an understanding. When the Doctor picks Clara up from the 2010s, he sees Ashildr in the background of a photo Clara shows him.
The Doctor is travelling alone when he receives an alert from the surviving Osgood. The Doctor learns that rebel cells of Zygons are threatening the treaty, and that Clara has been replaced by the leading Zygon, leading directly into The Zygon Inversion.
The Doctor talks the Zygon rebel leader, Bonnie, down from her destructive cause, and Bonnie decides to take the deceased Osgood's place to ensure the treaty endures.
The Doctor uses the alias "Dr. Basil Disco", setting this after The Zygon Inversion. He is travelling alone.
The Doctor comes to pick Clara up from her flat. The Doctor reclaims the spare sonic screwdriver he gave Clara in The Fractures, and resumes using it regularly. It is September 2015 in Clara's time. The presence of two Osgoods sets this after The Zygon Inversion.
The Doctor uses his green-emitter sonic screwdriver, and hugs Clara as he did in The Girl Who Died.
The Doctor uses his green-emitter sonic screwdriver.
The Doctor is alone and using a sonic screwdriver.
The Doctor is travelling alone and using his green-emitter sonic screwdriver.
The Doctor is travelling alone and using his green-emitter sonic screwdriver.
The Doctor is alone and using a sonic screwdriver.
The Doctor is alone, and uses a sonic screwdriver while visiting the year 2015.
The Doctor is alone.
The Doctor was travelling alone when Clara phoned him, and is using his green-emitter sonic screwdriver. It is Halloween Night in Clara's time.
The Doctor uses his green-emitter sonic screwdriver.
The Doctor is alone, as Clara is attending an end-of-term Christmas party, and is illustrated using his green-emitter sonic screwdriver.
The Doctor is alone and using a sonic screwdriver.
The Doctor is alone, and uses the cue cards from Under the Lake.
The Doctor is alone and using a sonic screwdriver.
The Doctor uses his blue-tipped sonic screwdriver for the first time and is travelling alone. He mentions the cue cards he used in Under the Lake.
The Doctor is alone, using his blue-emitter sonic screwdriver, and now identifies himself as a hugger.
The Doctor is alone and using a sonic screwdriver.
A few months after Halloween, Clara opens an IT suite in Danny's memory, telling the Doctor that doing so has given her closure over his death. (COMIC: Witch Hunt)
The Doctor is using his blue-emitter sonic screwdriver.
Clara is wearing her outfit from Face the Raven.

The coming of the Hybrid

Reuniting with Rigsy to combat Ashildr, Clara is killed by a Quantum Shade and the Doctor is sent away to an unknown location, leading directly into Heaven Sent.
Set during the first few years of the Doctor's time in the confession dial. Also features events concurrent to Heaven Sent.
After spending four-billion-years trapped in a cycle of death inside his confession dial, the Doctor returns to Gallifrey, leading directly into Hell Bent.
The Doctor dethrones Rassilon and uses his powers of presidency to save Clara from the Quantum Shade using a extraction chamber. However, he forces himself to lose his memories of Clara when he realises how far went to get her back, even forcing the General to regenerate. Now unable to remember Clara at all, the Doctor has to travel alone.

Moving on

The Doctor has recently lost a companion, implying that this is set shortly after Hell Bent.
The Doctor is alone and using his blue-emitter sonic screwdriver.
Sequel to Hell Bent.

Rescuing Gabby

The Doctor has long hair and is wearing the clothes from Last Christmas.
The Doctor is reunited with Gabby Gonzalez by the Moment. The Moment claims that the Doctor has had a bad time recently, suggesting a setting shortly after Hell Bent.
Set concurrently with The Good Companion.

Traveling alone

The Doctor is travelling alone and recalls the events of The Witch's Familiar. Coal Hill School is undergoing construction to be rebuilt as the Coal Hill Academy, setting this before For Tonight We Might Die.

Brief travels with Hattie

The Doctor decides to give Hattie Munroe a brief trip in the TARDIS.
After investigating a haunted house, the Doctor returns Hattie to the Twist.

Living with the Collins family

The TARDIS breaks, forcing the Doctor to live with the Collins family in 1972. When questioned by Jess about their encounter in The Highgate Horror, the Doctor has no idea who Clara is. Before bumping into Jess, the Doctor had intended to see a musical festival, as he was in The Twist, implying the two adventures happen close to each other.
The Doctor is settling in with the Collins family, getting acquainted with each member, setting this shortly after The Pestilent Heart. The Doctor decides to take Jess to the National Gallery, leading directly into Bloodsport.
The Doctor is celebrating Christmas with the Collins family and their neighbours.
After they help him defeat the Master, the Doctor leaves the Collins family in his repaired TARDIS, believing he has outstayed his welcome due to the damage caused by the Master, such as the murder of their neighbour, Gabriel Gayle.

A return to travelling

The Doctor is now wearing his original attire.
The Doctor is alone and using his blue-emitter sonic screwdriver.
The Doctor promises to protect Kiron, (COMIC: The Promise) and posses for The Hay Wain painting. (COMIC: Doorway to Hell)
The Doctor is using his blue-emitter sonic screwdriver.
The Doctor rescues Kiron from a Howler. (COMIC: The Promise)
The Doctor saves the prince of Rhodia and his Quill servant from the Shadow Kin, and leaves them on Earth in September 2016. (TV: For Tonight We Might Die)
The Doctor learns Kiron has become a tyrant and revokes his protection.
The Doctor is contacted by "Miss Quill" to save Coal Hill Academy in October 2016 from the Shadow Kin, during which he gives Ram Singh a new leg and is drawn to the list of missing Coal Hill staff and students, seemingly recognising Clara's name.

Returning Jata home

After rescuing him from enslavement, the Doctor decides to take Jata home using the TARDIS.
The Doctor knows he was friends with a school teacher from the 21st century, indicating that this is set after For Tonight We Might Die.
Jata would eventually stop travelling with the Doctor, though under unknown circumstances.

Temporary companions

The Doctor meets Julie d'Aubigny in 1695 Paris, and she shows interest in joining him in the TARDIS.
Though obscured, Clara appears when the Mindmorphs attack the Doctor's brain, setting this after The Pestilent Heart.
The Doctor encounters a rogue Weeping Angel in Rickman, and defeats it with the help of siblings Alex and Brandon Yow. He decides to investigate a book written about the Angels in the 16th century, and allows Alex and Brandon to accompany him.
The Doctor, Alex and Brandon have just saved the town of Rickman from Weeping Angels, setting this immediately after The Lost Angel. Alex and Brandon explore the TARDIS while the Doctor tries to pin-point when in the 16th century the book they are investigating was written.
The Doctor reunites with Hattie for a one-off adventure.
The Doctor takes Osgood on her first trip in the TARDIS, setting this after The Zygon Inversion. He has both his sonic sunglasses and a sonic screwdriver.

Solo adventures

The Doctor meets Grant in New York City during the 1990s, and Grant accidentally swallows the Hazandra gemstone, granting him superpowers. The Doctor continues to check in on Grant throughout his childhood and teenage years, making note of his attraction to Lucy Fletcher. (TV: The Return of Doctor Mysterio)
When the Eleventh Doctor mentions Clara, the Twelfth Doctor repeats her name with a hint of unfamiliarity, suggesting a setting after Hell Bent.
Due to being releases ahead of schedule, the individual comic, published as an "interlude" story, was said to be the Doctor's last adventure before Beneath the Waves, and included a tagline of being the Doctor's last solo adventure. When reprinted for the graphic novel, it was moved to after Beneath the Waves, with the tagline cut.
The Doctor meets up with River and says a final goodbye at the Singing Towers of Darillium and spends one Darillium night on the planet with her, which is the equivalent of twenty-four years on Earth time. He also meets Nardole, who is assisting River in her scheme.

Guarding the Vault with Nardole

Nardole follows the Doctor from Darillium under instruction from River Song. The Doctor swears an oath to guard Missy for a thousand years while she is in a vault. (TV: Extremis)
The Doctor is still haunted by saying goodbye to River. He meets Grant again, who has become known to New York City as "the Ghost". Nardole now travels with the Doctor to help him overcome the grief of his final parting from River Song, implying that the two have not yet settled at St Luke's University and Nardole has not promised to keep the Doctor earthbound.
Through unknown circumstances, the Doctor and Nardole take Missy and the Vault to St Luke's University (TV: The Pilot) in the 1940s. (AUDIO: Regeneration Impossible) The Doctor gets employed as a teacher to explain his presence. (TV: The Pilot)
Sequel to The Return of Doctor Mysterio. The Doctor has set up the Vault by this point, but is helping the Ghost fight Missy alone, indicating this takes place before The Pilot.
The Doctor and Nardole are keeping Missy locked in the Vault. Missy alludes to the events of The Return of Doctor Mysterio.
Sequel to The Return of Doctor Mysterio.
Despite the Doctor giving the time he travelled from as July 2017, he is aware of Bill sneaking into his lectures, setting this shortly before The Pilot, where he started tutoring Bill before Christmas 2016.

Early adventures with Bill

Sometime before Christmas in 2016, the Doctor becomes a personal tutor to Bill Potts at St Luke's University. In early 2017, the Doctor is forced to reveal the TARDIS to Bill to save her after her crush, Heather, is taken over by a sentient oil puddle. Despite initially wanting to wipe her mind, the Doctor instead invites Bill to join him aboard the TARDIS.
Follows on directly from The Pilot, with Nardole advising against the Doctor travelling with Bill when he should be guarding the Vault. Escaping Nardole, the Doctor and Bill face Emojibots at Gliese 581d, and then end up on a frozen river, leading directly into Thin Ice.
Finding themselves on the River Thames during a Frost fair, the Doctor and Bill free a trapped sea serpent. Bill learns the basics of time travel, and that the Doctor has killed in the past. Upon returning to St Luke's University, the Doctor tricks Nardole into letting him and Bill travel together.
The Doctor and Bill sneak out without Nardole noticing, setting this before Oxygen. Bill mentions the recent events of Smile and Thin Ice.
Bill mentions the events of Diamond Dogs. The Doctor and Bill have only just started travelling together and Bill doesn't know Nardole very well.
The Doctor helps Bill move into a new house, but the house is destroyed by Dryads. Bill learns that the Doctor is a Time Lord, but does not yet know about regeneration, setting this early in their travels together.
The Doctor and Bill return to St Luke's University from a space related adventure. Harry's involvement with Nardole setss this after Knock Knock.

Threats from the Dreamspace

The Doctor and Bill visit Saturn's moon, Titan, in outer space. The Doctor is reunited with Rudy Zoom for the first time since The Eye of Torment, and Bill visits the Dreamspace for the first time. Bill implies that she has only just started travelling with the Doctor. After banishing Sythorr back to the Dreamspace, the Doctor is warned that "the unknown soldier is stirring."
After an adventure at the Indian Territory of 1880, the Doctor finds that the TARDIS has been vandalised and goes looking for answers, leading directly into Matildus. Bill recalls her previous visit to the Dreamspace in The Soul Garden.
Failing to get the answers he was looking for in the Renath Archive, the Doctor decides to consult Alan Turing, leading directly into The Phantom Piper.
Visiting Athenia to get advice from Turing's Galatean duplicate, the Doctor and Bill find out about the hostilities between the humans and Galateans that Chiyoko is dealing with. When Turing decodes the vandalism with Block Transfer Computation, the Phantom Piper is able to escape the Dreamspace. After defeating the Piper, the Doctor is confronted by Fey Truscott-Sade, who warns him to "gather his forces" for "the Absence".
Follows on from The Phantom Piper, with the Doctor and Bill following Fey's trail. The Doctor claims Bill "doesn't know him well", implying this is still set early in their travels.

More adventures with Bill

Bill is properly informed about regeneration, setting this between Knock Knock and The Lie of the Land.
The Doctor talks to Bill about regeneration, setting this after The Lost Dimension.
The Doctor and Bill attend the coronation of Elizabeth II.
Nardole refuses to let the Doctor and Bill leave in the TARDIS, setting this before Oxygen.


According to Nardole, the Doctor has not been in outer space for a long time. Deciding to answer a distress call from a space station, Chasm Forge, with Bill and Nardole, the Doctor is rendered permanently blind when Bill's spacesuit malfunctions in the vacuum and he gives her his helmet.
While sitting outside the Vault, the Doctor receives an e-mail from a virtual copy of himself, warning him of an upcoming invasion by the Monks. Bill has moved back in with her foster mother by this point.
After he thwarts the Monks attempt to enslave the world by saving it from a virus, the Doctor finds himself trapped with the virus, and only escapes when Bill negotiates with the Monks to restore his sight, saving the Doctor at the cost of the Earth, leading directly into The Lie of the Land.
The Doctor, Nardole and Bill lead a resistance against the Monks, and Bill is able to force them off the planet. During the resisting, Bill is introduced to Missy inside the Vault and it is implied she knows about regeneration, as she does not question it when she sees the Doctor fake a regeneration.

Final adventures

Nardole is joining the Doctor and Bill on an adventure and the Doctor has his eyesight, setting this after The Lie of the Land. The Doctor gives Bill a TARDIS key.
Bill has a TARDIS key, setting this after Plague City.
The Doctor mentions that Nardole has taken the TARDIS on a trip from 2017 to 1974, and the Doctor has his eyesight, setting this between The Lie of the Land and The Eaters of Light.
Taking Bill and Nardole on a daytrip to NASA, the Doctor finds the words "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" written on the surface of Mars, and heads to 1881 Mars to find out why. After the TARDIS leaves with Nardole, the Doctor introduces Bill to the Ice Warriors, and sets up their relationship with Alpha Centauri. When Nardole returns, he reveals it was Missy who flew the TARDIS for him.
Bill recognises the Ice Warriors from the events of Empress of Mars.
The Doctor has not yet allowed Missy back into the TARDIS, setting this before The Eaters of Light.
Follows on from The Great Shopping Bill. The Doctor has given Missy emergency access to the TARDIS controls, and is considering allowing her to accompany him, Bill and Nardole on adventures in the future.
Set after A Confusion of Angels, though Nardole continues to disapprove of the Doctor and Bill leaving the Vault unguarded. The Doctor briefly uses a blue variation of the Eleventh Doctor's sonic screwdriver.
Nardole still protests that the Doctor is travelling when he should be guarding the Vault. After finding out the cause of the Ninth Legion's disappearance, the Doctor reveals to Bill and Nardole that he has allowed Missy certain freedoms in the TARDIS since Empress of Mars to further her rehabilitation. Bill realises that the TARDIS has been translating different languages for her.
The Doctor allows Missy to accompany him, Bill and Nardole on a trip in the TARDIS. However, when she kills someone during the trip, the Doctor realises that she's not yet ready to accompany them fulltime.
Explicitly stated by the Doctor to be set just before World Enough and Time.


Deciding to give Missy a test to see her progress, the Doctor, Bill and Nardole take Missy to a colony ship escaping a black hole, where Bill is shot and taken by the Mondasians to be converted into one of the first Cybermen by the Saxon Master, who seduces Missy into joining him, leading directly into The Doctor Falls.
Set during World Enough and Time, before the Doctor knocks out Jorj.
Set during World Enough and Time, when the Doctor, Nardole and Missy are taking the lift to Floor 1056.
While escaping the Cybermen with the Master and Missy, the Doctor is fatally electrocuted and saved by Bill, who has managed to retain her humanity. Two weeks after Nardole is able to rescue them, the Doctor is holding off his regeneration, and has Nardole lead the colonist on the ship to a safer area while he and Bill stay behind to face the Cybermen when Missy and the Master flee. Falling in battle, the Doctor later awakens in his TARDIS, but still refuses to regenerate.
The Doctor exits the TARDIS in a snowy landscape as he begins to regenerate, (TV: World Enough and Time) but is able to cancel the regeneration energy, halting the regeneration process, and then finds himself face to face with his first incarnation. (TV: The Doctor Falls)
Immediately following The Doctor Falls, the Doctor, after facing the Testimony with his original incarnation, is ultimately convinced to regenerate into his next incarnation.
The Doctor's coat is worn and singed when he visits Gladys Presley, setting this during Twice Upon a Time.
Set during the Doctor's regeneration in Twice Upon a Time.

Currently unplaced

These entries are placed here due to being part of an ongoing storyline that has yet to offer sufficient enough evidence to be placed in a specific part of this Doctor's timeline.

Awaiting placement

These entries are placed here until evidence presents itself that provides a clue as to where they happen in relation to other entries. Some of these are part of ongoing storylines that could present evidence towards the end of the plot.
