Operation Divide and Conquer

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Operation Divide and Conquer was the Dalek plot to start a war between the Earth and Draconian Empires in the 26th century, assisted by the Master and the Ogrons. (TV: Frontier in Space, AUDIO: The Dalek Conquests)



In a transmission recovered and recorded in The Dalek Conquests, the Daleks, led by the Dalek Emperor, discussed the coming operation. As they planned, the operation was commanded by the Master, who they recognised as a renegade Time Lord. The Master was to co-ordinate attacks on spacecraft from the Earth and Empire space empires. The Daleks would provide him with a force of Ogrons to carry out these attacks. Use of halluceogenic technology would ensure that Earthlings would see the attacking Ogrons as Draconians while Draconians would see the attacking Ogrons as Earthlings. The Daleks' intent was that diplomatic relations between the two well-matched empires would break down and lead to the declaration of a war which would destroy them both, enabling the Daleks to emerge and conquer. This plan was approved by the Emperor. (AUDIO: The Dalek Conquests)