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A fridge full of human flesh used by the Brynblaidd cannibals. (TV: Countrycide

Cannibalism was the act of eating members of one's own species. While this was sometimes a choice or a lifestyle, for some species this was a natural activity. Mayflies practised sibling cannibalism, leaving only the strongest of them left in the end. (TV: Reset) The term could also be applied to the act of forcibly using parts of a being's physical form to create something else; the Tenth Doctor stated that the Saxon Master had "cannibalised" his TARDIS to create his paradox machine. (TV: The Sound of Drums)

Cannibalism was a cultural practice of the Valethske, ordinarily as a form of execution, but occasionally occurred during feeding frenzies. (PROSE: Superior Beings)

The Brynblaidd cannibals killed and ate wanderers near their village every ten years, until 2007. (TV: Countrycide)

At some point in Tennessee, there was a case of cannibalism, though the culprit claimed not to remember the crimes. (PROSE: The Juror's Story)

Alan Jackson at first thought the Slitheen were cannibals when he saw their skin suits lying around. (TV: The Lost Boy)

Mother Nothing was a cannibal who resorted to consuming her entire race, including her hatchlings, when her home planet was struck by a great famine. (AUDIO: One Enchanted Evening)

According to the Second Doctor's recollection, humans in the Far Indies ate their own kind. He and Shockeye also wrongly (PROSE: The Drosten’s Curse, TV: The Gift) believed that shepherd's pie was made from a shepherd. (TV: The Two Doctors)

The Rezzies of Paradise Towers practiced cannibalism. (TV: Paradise Towers)