User:SOTO/Forum Archive/Inclusion debates/@comment-45314928-20200606025128/@comment-6032121-20200606144239
User:SOTO/Forum Archive/Inclusion debates/@comment-45314928-20200606025128/@comment-6032121-20200606144239 But he did tease it during the Tweetalong! It was absolutely part of the same line of comment as his unveiling of three unproduced stories during #TruthOrConsequences. I'd see your point if he'd randomly started posting about dromedaries, or (to be less strawmanny) a completely new story about the Thirteenth Doctor fighting Davros. But this is closely related to the #TruthOrConsequences Lockdown! at the very least, whether or not we should cover it in full.
@Thefartydoctor, T:NO FANFIC as used on this wiki defines "fanfic" as "Doctor Who fiction that's not licensed". If "C" fails Rule 2, well, yeah, it's fanfic no matter where it came from and what it's based on. The finished version of Time's Champion is considered fanfic, for example, despite being based pretty closely on an outline for a book that began as a licensed project.
And the large number of things left to debate include:
- why should we use DiSoRiEnTed potentially-T:BOUND-violating definition of Lockdown! stories ("stuff promoted by Emily Cook") rather than mine ("stuff published using the official hashtag by the people invited by Emily Cook")?
- assuming the above is granted, why shouldn't C have a page about it, albeit invalid if you lot are going to insist that the novelisation project existed?
- what evidence is there that this is different from the other three times during the Lockdown! "era" that an along-tweeting creator published some text presented as though it was part of an unfinished project?