User:SOTO/Forum Archive/Inclusion debates/@comment-45692830-20200803153341 So I don't know how many of you have read The Cosmology of the Spiral Politic, but after I wrote up the plot summary for Warlords of Utopia, I was going to get around to writing up one for this essay. It was already on my radar as one that was probably non valid from having read it before, but upon rereading it, I think I'm certain. A plot summary of this short story would basically be a list of bullet points, just factoids one after the other, because that's what this story does. As opposed to The Book of the War, which could be seen as "a history textbook", and so has a narrative (+ the story of the shift), this is really more akin to a guidebook or "a cosmology textbook", and so has no narrative.
As much as it frustrates me, because I truly believe this is a great resource for this wiki, and there are pages that use it in the body of their articles which will have to be amended, I believe this story is invalid as it fails rule 1.