
From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

The CyberReaper was a mythical Cyberman.

It seemed to phase through time, reconstructing itself out of parts of damaged and dead Cybermen. The Thirteenth Doctor believed that the purpose of the CyberReaper was simply to fight the enemies of the Cybermen, however she would later discover that it's purpose was to completely nullify the enemies of the Cybermen by sowing chaos in their timelines. (GAME: The Edge of Reality)


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These specific names for Cyberman types should be cited to the stories that actually use them as The Edge of Reality definitely does not use these names.

The CyberReaper's most notable physical characteristic was it's mix of various parts of different Cybermen.

Its head was from a Late CyberFaction but with a larger dome bridge, and raised band at the front. It's right upper arm and right leg were those of a CyberMondan, but it's right leg also had the exoskeletal rod of a CyberTelosian. It's right forearm, left arm and waist area were from an advanced Cyberman used by the Cyberiad during the Cyber-Wars. Its hips were from a Cyber-Warrior. It's upper chest, left leg, and right foot were that of a Cybusman or possibly their counterparts in the Doctor's universe, but it's chest was also covered by a larger version of the chest unit used by CyberNeomorph's. (GAME: The Edge of Reality)


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