The Church on Ruby Road (TV story)

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The Church on Ruby Road was the 2023 Christmas Special[4] and opening episode of series 14 of Doctor Who[5] broadcast on 25 December 2023.[4][5]

It was the first full episode to feature the Fifteenth Doctor, as played by Ncuti Gatwa, and introduce audiences[6] to Ruby Sunday, the new companion, played by Millie Gibson,[7] concluding the sixtieth anniversary year with the start of a brand new era, officialising the reboot of the series number.[5]

This is the second time since the 2005 relaunch of Doctor Who that a Doctor's first full post-regeneration story was a Christmas Special, following the Tenth Doctor in that year's The Christmas Invasion [+]Loading...["The Christmas Invasion (TV story)"].

The story marked the return of the Christmas Specials to televised Doctor Who, having been absent since 2017's Twice Upon a Time [+]Loading...["Twice Upon a Time (TV story)"].


Long ago on Christmas Eve, a baby was abandoned in the snow. Today, Ruby Sunday meets the Doctor, stolen babies, goblins and perhaps the secret of her birth...[7][5]


On the 1st of December 2023, a light nearly falls on someone, of two people who are in an interview about the origin of babies and names.

On the 23rd of December, the Doctor dances groovily to a theme in a nightclub. A woman called Ruby Sunday sees him and smiles. Then she accidentally knocks her gin and tonic off a table but the Doctor catches it just in time. Sunday considers this an impossibility - how did he travel so fast in time to catch the glass?

Some goblins capture a baby. Ruby climbs out of a window and stands on the roof of her house. She grabs a ladder floating in midair, as it drifts away from the house. The Doctor bounds over rooftops and chats to her. Then, he leaps and grabs the ladder, joining her. He reveals some black gloves that light up yellow, which enable one to convert all their mass and weight (mavitational field strength multiplied by mass) into the gloves. The pair ride the ladder up to its point of origin - a huge flying airship.

Inside, they crawl through some wooden vents and discover a horde of goblins. The baby is on a wooden conveyor belt, being carried towards a goblin king with a humongous tongue. The goblins sing about eating the baby. The Doctor uses his newly-determined dexterity with ropes to cut the ground beneath him and Ruby, making them plunge onto the conveyor belt, which ceases to move henceforth. There, the Doctor and his new companion have a song, which the goblins find interesting, and the Doctor explains his plan via his lyrics, referring to a master knot.

Escaping from the goblin horde, the Doctor and Ruby return to the flat, baby safely recovered. Then, Ruby disappears. The Doctor returns to the fridge, seeing that the entire history of Sunday has vanished. Many of the Christmas lights have been removed from the flat and there is a generally unhappy atmosphere to the place.

The Doctor travels in time and arrives at a church. He climbs to the roof and grabs a ladder, dangling off an airship. Using his powerful magnetic gloves, he hoists the airship down, causing the spire to slice through the goblin king. Having saved the baby, the Doctor takes off in the TARDIS to return to the present to find all is well.

Ruby ascertains that the Doctor can travel through time via his reference to the often-mentioned Houdini, and rushes downstairs and out of the house. She finds the TARDIS and enters. She then leaves, walks around it and returns, to find the Doctor, leaning on a rail a little higher than the console. He claims his title true.

Soon after the pair depart, Mrs. Flood remarks "Don't you know what a TARDIS is?"


Uncredited cast


General production staff

Script department

Camera and lighting department

Art department

Costume department

Make-up and prosthetics


General post-production staff

Special and visual effects


Not every person who worked on this adventure was credited. The absence of a credit for a position doesn't necessarily mean the job wasn't required. The information above is based solely on observations of the actual end credits of the episodes as broadcast, and does not relay information from IMDB or other sources.


Ruby Sunday

  • Ruby plays a GO:PIANO88 musical keyboard and is in a band.
  • Ruby was born on Christmas Eve, almost 19 years ago, probably around 2PM.
  • Ruby declined going out with Bobby McGeever.
  • Ruby has a good relationship with her mysterious neigbour Mrs. Flood. Another neighbour is Abdul.
  • Ruby lives in a flat with her adoptive mother, Carla; and Carla's elderly mother, Cherry.
  • Over the years, Carla has managed to foster 33 children and still keeps in touch with some of them.


  • The Doctor has invented "Intelligent Gloves" because he spends a lot of time hanging off things. They do need to be recharged after usage.
  • The Doctor jokes he wishes he was called Lulubelle because it is a brilliant name.
  • The Doctor quickly learns the language of the Goblins, and he already knows how to "speak" the rope language.
  • The Doctor has once spend a "long, hot summer" with Harry Houdini, who taught the Doctor how to untie himself.


"Season's Streamings" promo image providing the story's title.[4]
  • The title of the story was officially announced by the official Disney+ Twitter account in a "Season's Streamings" promotional image on 6 November 2023,[4] ahead of any BBC announcements.
    • This marks the return of the Christmas Specials; in the installment of Russell T Davies's column Letter from the Showrunner printed in DWM 585, Davies had stated that a "Christmas Special" would be returning as the format of the first full episode of the Fifteenth Doctor's tenure, although clarifying that he considered the term to be synonymous with the Festive Specials. The Disney+ announcement clarified that The Church on Ruby Road will be a traditional Christmas Special.
    • The first BBC acknowledgement of the title came in a press release on on 30 November 2023, revealing minor plot and casting details.[7]
  • The preview of this episode released in DWM 598 revealed a teaser of the plot and a snippet of dialogue between the Doctor and Ruby.[3]
  • Parts of the script of this episode were used in auditions for Ruby Sunday; the script for self-tapes from potential actors were truncated from the scripts of this episode and the next, and the longer script for in-person auditions[8] in London[9] was adapted solely from this episode.[8]
  • The non-fiction feature The Next Doctor [+]Loading...["The Next Doctor (feature)"] — published in Doctor Who The Official Annual 2024 on 7 September 2023 — teased the casting of Dobson and Greenidge; the feature also hinted that the doors in the promotional images may have significance.
  • The Church on Ruby Road will be the first time in the revived series that a Doctor's first Christmas special does not include "Christmas" in the title, following The Christmas Invasion [+]Loading...["The Christmas Invasion (TV story)"], A Christmas Carol [+]Loading...["A Christmas Carol (TV story)"], and Last Christmas [+]Loading...["Last Christmas (TV story)"].
  • At sixteen days, The Church on Ruby Road will mark the third shortest gap between a regeneration story and its followup, behind The Power of the Daleks [+]Loading...["The Power of the Daleks (TV story)"] at seven days and The Twin Dilemma [+]Loading...["The Twin Dilemma (TV story)"] at six days.
  • "The Goblin Song" is an original song for this episode. It was released ahead of the episode on 11 December 2023 with proceeds going to Children in Need.[10]
  • Davies felt inspired by the door opened by the inclusion of the Toymaker in the preceding episode The Giggle [+]Loading...["The Giggle (TV story)"] — as he deemed the Toymaker to be a fantasy character — so decided to include goblins, a traditional element of fantasy stories. He also sent the script to former showrunner Steven Moffat, who had a surprised realisation about the unused potential of the species within Doctor Who.[3]
  • This is the first episode that does not credit a white male performer as a regular cast member. Although William Hartnell was absent from Mission to the Unknown, he still received credit for contractual reasons.
  • This is the first episode since Village of the Angels to include a mid-credits scene, and the first Christmas special since Last Christmas to include one too.


to be added

Filming locations


to be added

Production errors

If you'd like to talk about narrative problems with this story — like plot holes and things that seem to contradict other stories — please go to this episode's discontinuity discussion.

to be added


  • Ruby Sunday was first mentioned in the short story First Day of the Doctor [+]Loading...["First Day of the Doctor (short story)"], a story which contained a tantalisingly obscured snippet of the Fifteenth Doctor's diary.
  • This is not the first story to depict a companion written by Russell T Davies being part of a band; Mickey Smith was part of the band No Hot Ashes, as revealed in his novelisation [+]Loading...{"noital":"1","1":"Rose (novelisation)","2":"novelisation"} of Rose [+]Loading...["Rose (TV story)"], although this connection was not present in the original episode.
  • The Doctor is shown using psychic paper, which debuted in The End of the World [+]Loading...["The End of the World (TV story)"], and a new sonic screwdriver, which debuted in The World Tree [+]Loading...["The World Tree (audio story)"].
  • Ruby remarks that the Doctor appears to move so fast that he has teleported. The Twelfth Doctor similarly displayed a seemingly magical ability to teleport, as seen in TV: Listen [+]Loading...["Listen (TV story)"].
  • This story marks the first time the Doctor is seen wearing his new clothes, as he only wore part of the Fourteenth Doctor's clothing earlier when last seen in The Giggle [+]Loading...["The Giggle (TV story)"].
  • "Mavity" is still a word instead of "gravity", as revealed when the Doctor explains his new gloves. The Fourteenth Doctor accidentally caused the title mavity to replace gravity in TV: Wild Blue Yonder [+]Loading...["Wild Blue Yonder (TV story)"].
  • The Doctor mentions recently learning he was abandoned, as shown in TV: The Timeless Children [+]Loading...["The Timeless Children (TV story)"]. He remarks that he was also adopted, indicating his connection to Tecteun, who was seen in Survivors of the Flux [+]Loading...["Survivors of the Flux (TV story)"].
  • Minto Road isn't original to this episode, as it was first mentioned by Mickey Smith in 2005's The Parting of the Ways [+]Loading...["The Parting of the Ways (TV story)"]. The pizza place mentioned by Mickey in that episode is even indirectly seen, as Cherry has a flyer for it on her fridge.
  • The Doctor once again mentions meeting Harry Houdini, having claimed to have met him before in TV: Planet of the Spiders [+]Loading...["Planet of the Spiders (TV story)"] and Planet of the Ood [+]Loading...["Planet of the Ood (TV story)"].
  • When Ruby is erased from reality, the Doctor displays an ability to remember her despite others seemingly forgetting her. The Eleventh Doctor displayed this ability when Rory Williams was erased from existence in TV: Cold Blood [+]Loading...["Cold Blood (TV story)"]. He once remarked this was because he was a complicated space time event that granted him unique immunity to such effects so long as it did not affect his own timeline in Flesh and Stone [+]Loading...["Flesh and Stone (TV story)"]. Similarly, Carol cries when the Doctor tries to make her remember Ruby; Amy Pond also forgot Rory, but still had a residual awareness of him that caused her to cry upon the Doctor and Rory's Auton form pointing it out to her as displayed in TV: The Pandorica Opens [+]Loading...["The Pandorica Opens (TV story)"].

Home media releases

to be added


Main article: The Church on Ruby Road (TV story)/Gallery

External links
