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Representative choice of Dalek images?

I notice that this page currently features 10 images relating to the Daleks.

Nine of the ten are taken from the new (2005 onwards) series, with only one (a very early Dalek from the Dead Planet story, labled simply and not very helpfully as "A Pre-Time-War Dalek") coming from the original / "classic" series.

This doesn't seem to be very representative of Daleks as a whole, given their extremely long run of appearences over the last 47 years. While I realise that it might be argued that gradual changes in Dalek design may be best shown in the "Dalek Varients" entry (which actually only has one image, that of the "glass" dalek from Necros), it would seem to me that the "Dalek" entry should feature a least some Dalek images showing how they have appeared at various times in the show's history, for example one image showing the "shoulder ring" rather than "slats" design, one showing a 60's Dalek with slats, and at least one 70s and one 80s Dalek of some kind or other. Something of this nature would seem to better represent their continued role in the show.

Currently the choice of images is really very narrow. Apart form displaying a very notable bias toward current rather than historic images from the show, this isn't really very good form for an encyclopaedia entry. If you looked up something like "President of the United States" on wikipedia, you wouldn't expect to see 9 photos of the current president, one of Abraham Lincoln, and nothing else!

Mr Pepperpot 02:16, May 10, 2010 (UTC)


I found this in the dalek article: "Brody IS THE PIG SLAVE KING" I took it out because, hey, what is THAT doing in there? -furbydude

No plunger?

just watched the stolen earth episode and I noticed some Daleks without plungers but with big egg whisks, is this noted here and if so should there be a pic. I'll leave a youtube link. The time it appears is around 1.25: --Torchwood 2 15:52, 12 July 2009 (UTC)

You mean the Vault Daleks? -<Azes13 15:58, 12 July 2009 (UTC)
That would be the ones. --Torchwood 2 16:01, 12 July 2009 (UTC)


Abschaffen Sie = German for Exterminate --Liquid Ink 10:55, 25 August 2009 (UTC)

Conservapedia on Daleks

The following appeared on a previous version of the CP article on Daleks:

"The Dalek race is fiercely resistant to malign outside influence, and the purity of their race is of the utmost concern to them. The liberal BBC paint these characteristics in a most negative manner since the Daleks are essentially a conservative race."

(See comments on Wikipedia's CP article talk page) Jackiespeel 16:44, December 18, 2009 (UTC)

Wiki vandalism isn't really relevant. --Nyktimos 04:02, December 26, 2009 (UTC)

Mentioning it mainly to amuse. Jackiespeel 17:04, December 29, 2009 (UTC)

Eleventh Doctor Season

Looking at the trailor of the Eleventh Doctor, it does feature a return of the Daleks, i also saw what i thought was a Dalek with a white dome and a more decorative eyepiece, do you think it was an imperial Dalek? Sclera1 11:30, January 3, 2010 (UTC) Sclera1 11:31, January 3, 2010 (UTC)

Imperial Dalek? Oh, this should be good. Now, if Gallifrey can survive the time war, what about Skaro? Or was it destroyed prior to the war? Miss. HAX 18:14, January 3, 2010 (UTC)
Keep calm and stay focused.

Please abide by our discussion policy and be nice to other editors in this discussion. Remember: this talk page is only for discussing the editing of the attached article. Take speculation to The Howling, our general discussion forum. Messages not having to do with the improvement of the article may be deleted.

Destroyed in Remembrance. Inexplicably undestroyed before the TV movie. I tend to ignore that, like most of the movie, but that's just me. Redestroyed in Time War. --Golden Monkey 19:03, January 3, 2010 (UTC)
I see resemblances in the new Dalek designs to the design in The Daleks, The Dalek Invasion of Earth and The Chase. Instead of the vertical plates on the mid-section there are horizontal plates, as in the early models. And the vertical strats in the 'neck' are not visible, also reminiscent of the first Dalek designs. I wonder if those early Daleks are the inspiration? Or maybe the Daleks in this story are in fact meant to be from the early history of Skaro. That would explain how yet another group of Daleks escaped the Time War and the DoctorDonna.--Exterminateallhumans 01:13, April 19, 2010 (UTC)

Green Dalek Vs. Bronze Dalek - Infobox image

A while back someone put this image:
Instead of this one
As far as i understand it, I'm guesing that this green Dalek is a special Dalek which has something to do with that episodes story line, and is not the new permanent design of the Dalek Race. I think that the green Dalek image should be put somewhere else in the article disussing the fact that they were present in WWII, and then wait until the episode is broadcasted to include more info. Until then, I think we should include the bronze image. Basically, my arguement in a nutshell is that the green Dalek has not been revealed to be the new design of the Dalek, but is probably a one-off design for that episode, and we should have the bronze one as the infobox picture. Comments? ---Si Iway amway Ichamousacoricothingmabobsay. 15:41, April 5, 2010 (UTC)

here is the new style Daleks for Victory of the Daleks

New Dalek design (Eleventh Doctor series)

Ew, no. Take your pick: they're clearly either Power Rangers or Gay Pride activists. The decision to redesign the Daleks is a step too far. Making the white Dalek the "Supreme" is just asking for it too. Old Daleks inferior? I think not -- Sorceror Nobody 19:06, April 17, 2010 (UTC)

  • If the orange one was purple instead they'd have been Pikmin Daleks! 02:30, April 18, 2010 (UTC)
I find your gay pride remarks offensive. Take your homophobic comments elsewhwere. HellKaiserryo12 (TalkContribs) 17:48, June 11, 2010 (UTC)
mighty morpihing dalek rangers
I am not homophobic, I am merely remarking that gay pride has the rainbow flag, and the Daleks have a range of colours. The "Ew, no" is directed at the new design (both the shape and the fact that they are so plastic-looking) and is not even remotely a comment about either the Power Rangers or Gay Pride. I should have chosen my words more carefully, and I apologise for the unintentional offence -- Sorceror Nobody 15:12, June 16, 2010 (UTC)

victory of the daleks

so what is the significance to amy not remembering the dalek invasion?

do they end up in that big crack? and therefore have 'never existed'

City of the Daleks

There doesn't appear to be any information taken from The Adventure Games City of the Daleks, which we've been told is supposed to be considered canonical and just an additional episode of series 5/1/season 31/whatever you're going to call it. I think there needs to be some minor additions to the Anatomy:Mutant, and Dalek Technology sections. Currently the Anatomy: Mutant section reads "During WW II three Daleks managed to engage a Progenitor and create pure breed Dalek, their current appearance is unknown but presumably less mutated. (DW: [[Victory

of the Daleks|Victory of the Daleks]])" However, in City of the Daleks the new Dalek Emperor features a mutant that appears nearly identical to the new series mutants. The only difference is that the Emperor Mutant in City of the Daleks has 12 tentacles instead of the 11 seen on the Emperor in Parting of the Ways and Dalek Caan in The Stolen Earth/Journey's End, and the eye is centered on his body rather than slighty to the right. I propose the edited sentence read:

"During WWII three Daleks managed to engage a Progenitor and create pure Daleks, which appeared no different from the Dalek mutants seen from the episodes Dalek up through Journey's End, except for having an additional tentacle and more centered eye."

If somone knows how to rephrase "more centered" so that it sounds better, then that would be fine, but I think the mention that the mutant appears the same except for thtat one difference is necessary.

As for the addition to the technology section, I think it should be noted that the Doctor when in Kaalann remakrs, "It's like it read my mind. Dalek technology, wonderful. If only they didn't want to use it to kill everybody all the time." I would also add that this suggests that Dalek technology is at least slightly telepathic and does not differentiate between Dalek and alien minds.

Dalek reproduction

So how do the Daleks reproduce?

(And as a plot device - the Dalek go into a city and encounter a 'don't start from here' one way system and multiple roadworks.) Jackiespeel 13:45, June 18, 2010 (UTC)