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The dollar was a form of currency used in America. (TV: The Gunfighters [+]Loading...["The Gunfighters (TV story)"])
The Fourth Doctor possessed a Denobian Slime Dollar. (AUDIO: The Dead Shoes [+]Loading...["The Dead Shoes (audio story)"])
Behind the scenes
In non-valid sources
The retail price of "H-15430" is listed as $99,999,999.00. (TV: Tired of Old-Fashioned Tools? [+]Loading...["Tired of Old-Fashioned Tools? (TV story)"])
The sonic screwdriver apparently had a retail price of $99,999,999.00. It was once offered for free, with an S&H of $3.00. (TV: Tired of Old-Fashioned Tools? [+]Loading...["Tired of Old-Fashioned Tools? (TV story)"])