Howling:Alternate universes
I was just thinking about alternate universe in the whoniverse. Now RTD closed off alternate universe for good in his era. I alway's thought this was a bit of a bad thing to do to be honest as it ruled out the idea of alternate universe again.Many of the best stories are alternate universe stories both in old and new who and other franchises the best star trek episode ever made is the Lazarus episode watch it if you haven't seen it it's the only time Star Trek ever came close to doing scary dark stories like doctor who it was a multiverse episode. Lost in Space had the anti matter man that was the best episode of lost in space and the buffy episode the wish which had the fucked up reality where the vampires ruled was the best too. I think Moff has probably realized this and as a result he has found a way to do them again. I think in this new whoniverse it will be easier to travel into different realities I.E. now we don't have to keep going back into "all universes are in danger" every time we want to slip into an alternate reality, I am not saying we should have alternate universes every time but I do want the option for it to happen in Doctor who and I dont want it to always be the Rose arc either we should see other world that aren't pete's world a really interesting alternate world or story. Yes I believe that after the doc reset the multiverse the barriers between world will become weak again ergo more freedom storytelling wise. Let me know what you think. Winehousefan. 10:55, July 9 2010 [UTC]