New Earth Senate

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New Earth Senate was a senate based on the Planet New Earth in the City New New York it was Mentioned in the Episode New Earth and seen In the episode Gridlock.


The New Earth Senate was first mentioned in the episode New Earth. By Many characters in that episode claiming that it had many high powers. One of the members of New Earth Senate was the Duke of Manhattan.

In between the episodes New Earth and Gridlock most of the population of New New York were killed In an airborn virus that Killed all the members of the Senate. But the Face of Boe and his aid Novice Hame two of the survivors Came to Live in the ruined Senate and came to live in it. Novice Hame survived of the Face of Boe's smoke that he produced.

In Gridlock The Tenth Doctor came to show Martha the city of New New York. But Novice Hame was asked by the Face of Boe to find the Doctor and bring him to me so she did so and the doctor witnessed the death of the Face of Boe and the Face siad his last words You are Not alone. As he siad before he died. The skeletons of the Senaters are still there at this piont.