Paradox machine

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Revision as of 02:36, 26 September 2011 by ArthuruhtrA (talk | contribs) (corrected the assumption that the Doctor really meant that the TARDIS could sustain the dual-Amy paradox (if it could sustain the Toclafain (sp?) why couldn't it sustain both Amys? Because it needed to do it's other functions still?))

A Paradox machine is a device made out of a TARDIS to allow time paradoxes, such as allowing the Toclafane could kill their ancestors without any temporal consequences.


The Doctor's TARDIS was cannibalised and turned into a Paradox Machine by the Master after he stole it from the Tenth Doctor. He used it to allow the Toclafane invasion of 2008 Earth.

The paradox machine was eventually damaged by Captain Jack Harkness with an assault rifle. The destruction of the machine reversed time to the moment it was activated, undoing everything that had occurred since then. While those within range of the machine on the Valiant remembered the timeline, for the rest of the universe it had never happened. (DW: Last of the Time Lords)

Physical features

The interior of the paradox machine was lit by an ominous red glow. This may be an indication of the TARDIS' ill health; the dying TARDIS had similar red lighting. (DW: Turn Left)

While it was active, the cloister bell sounded continually.

The main console in particular had undergone many modifications by the Master: The console itself was enclosed inside a metal cage, with various tubes and appendages attached to it. At its base was a pipe connecting to another area of the TARDIS, with a dial showing a readout of the pressure build-up inside. It shot out puffs of steam when it was activated. (DW: The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords)

Other information

  • The Doctor's description of the device as a paradox machine indicate that more than one has existed. Jack Harkness also appeared to have some knowledge of a paradox machine, asking the Doctor "Is that what I think it is?" (DW: The Sound of Drums)
  • The Doctor attempted to perform a similar function with the TARDIS to allow two versions of Amy Pond to simultaneously exist aboard the TARDIS at once-- he initially said it was possible if he disabled some of the TARDIS' peripheral functions and 'jettisoned the karaoke bar'; However ultimately the paradox was too large for the TARDIS to sustain without damaging her engines. Most likely, he lied in the first place to save past Amy. (DW: The Girl Who Waited)

See also