Mandrel (The Sun Makers)

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Mandrel was an A-Grade worker for the Company on Pluto.


Mandrel worked in Megropolis One's Main Control. However, he turned outlaw and fled into the undercity. There he led a band encompassing several other outlaws. They only ever ventured into the city for essential tasks, such as collecting food.

The Fourth Doctor, Leela and Cordo arrived in the undercity and Mandrel tasked the Doctor and Cordo with taking a consumcard to the Consum Bank on subway 37, while keeping Leela as security for his return. Mandrel told the Doctor that he had to return before a set time or he would kill Leela.

The Doctor's time ran out and Mandrel ordered Leela to be killed. However, the other outlaws were scared of her and refused to attack. He engaged her himself but Cordo's return interrupted their fight. He informed them that the Doctor had been captured and taken to the Correction Centre and Leela tried to garner support for a rescue effort. Mandrel and his outlaws refused to help and Leela left with Cordo to save the Doctor.

After some time, the Doctor returned and handed over 1000 talmars to Mandrel. The Doctor claimed that Gatherer Hade had released him but Mandrel did not believe him and so ordered that he be tortured into revealing the truth. As Mandrel moved to brand him with a hot iron, the Doctor claimed that he couldn't do it as their was "no conviction" in his eyes. Bisham arrived at that point with Cordo and threatened Mandrel into releasing the Doctor. Cordo told them that Leela had been captured and Bisham told them an attack on Main Control could help overthrow the Company. Having had experience working there, Mandrel agreed to help and ordered the other outlaws to stir up dissent among the workers.

Arriving at Main Control, Mandrel disabled the vapour towers to stop the output of PCM, a mind controlling drug. He was then tasked with stopping the flow of water to the steamer while the Doctor rescued Leela. He managed to do so with some difficulty. By this time, the rebellion was in full swing with the other outlaws encouraging the workers into armed defiance. After the Collector was defeated, Mandrel and the other inhabitants were freed from the rule of the Company. (DW: The Sun Makers)