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There have been many people associated with Doctor Who named Gareth.
Characters Named Gareth
First name only
- Gareth - (DW: Doctor Who)
As first name
- Gareth Evans - (DW: Army of Ghosts)
Cast and Crew Named Gareth
- Gareth Armstrong - actor
- Gareth David-Lloyd - actor playing Ianto Jones in Torchwood.
- Gareth Gwenlan - Assistant Floor Manager and Production Assistant
- Gareth Hale - actor
- Gareth Harris - K9 actor.
- Gareth Huges - Torchwood) camera operator.
- Gareth Hunt - actor
- Gareth Jenkins - Voice actor also working with post production and sound design.
- Gareth Roberts - writer
- Gareth Thomas - Voice actor and actor.
- Gareth Wigmore - Short Trips writer.
Gareth Jenkins (A Fix with Sontarans) - The child from A Fix with Sontarans, which is generally considerd non-canon.