Jackson Lake

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Jackson Lake was a mathematics teacher. In 1851, he moved to Victorian London with his wife and son. They soon encountered the Cybermen, which lead to the death of his wife, and apparently his son. He somehow used an Infostamp to defend himself, but the device backfired, filling his mind with information the Cybermen had gathered on The Doctor. In his anguish over the loss of his family, his mind fooled itself into believing that he was actually the latest incarnation of The Doctor, newly regenerated, and amnesiatic, due to the Cyberman attack. Some time after this, he rescued a woman named Rosita from a "man made of metal." Dubbing her his companion, he began to work on his own TARDIS - a hot air balloon. Assuming the identity of the Doctor, Lake continued to act as his namesake would, investigating the "disappearance" of a man named Jackson Lake (unaware that he himself was Lake), as well as the kidnapping of many local children. His exploits soon bought him into contact with the actual Doctor. At first, the real Doctor believed Lake to be his own future incarnation, but began to suspect that the man was not who he claimed to be. After discovering enough evidence, he deduced Lake's true identity, and revealed it to him. Left aghast, Lake allowed Rosita to accompany the real Doctor as he confronted Mercy Hartigan. The Doctor and Rosita discovered the location of the kidnapped children, as Lake struggled with who he truly was. Having recovered his memory, but unable to remember what the Cybermen "took" from him, he found the courage to join Rosita and the Doctor, arming himself with a bandolier full of Infostamps. Using the devices to attack the Cybermen, Lake was able to fight his way under the River Thames, where the kidnapped children were used as a slave labor force, constructing a Cyberking Dreadnought, a massive weapon and Cyber-Conversion factory, meant for the invasion of London. As The Doctor and Rosita evacuated the rescued children, Lake recovered his memory completely, remembering what the Cybermen "took" from him - his son. Unable to reach his son, Lake marveled as the Doctor flew into action to rescue the boy. He watched as the Doctor took the hot-air balloon to confront Hartigan, and end the Cyber threat. He then rallied the witnesses to the carnage, and told them of the hero who saved their home, and their lives. Having shared memories of the Doctor from the Infostamp, he knew that the Doctor was rarely ever thanked for his exploits, and so, he gathered the people of London to cheer for, and thank the Doctor. The crisis averted, Lake and the Doctor met near the TARDIS. Lake begged for a look inside, to which the Doctor gladly agreed. Overcome by the unbelievable, Lake forced himself to exit, ecstatic to have finally seen the ship. Reunited with his son, and appointing Rosita as his nanny, he then invited the Doctor to a Christmas dinner, an offer that was at first rebuked, then finally accepted.


  • As the doctor he was brash and brave.
  • Once his memories as Jackson Lake returned, he did not have as much confidence as he had displayed as the Doctor, however he was, in the end, still as brave as he always had been.


  • I'm the Doctor. Simply the Doctor. The one, the only... and the best

See also