Jack Harkness

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This article is about the 51st century con man known as Captain Jack Harkness. For other uses of the term "Captain Jack Harkness" in the Doctor Who Universe, see Captain Jack Harkness (disambiguation).:


Jack has alluded to his chequered past many times. Still, we know very little about the man currently using the name Jack Harkness (or Captain Jack Harkness or simply Captain Jack) and even less about when events occured in his life, relative to other events or who he might have worked for (other than himself) at the time.

Early years

He grew up in an era, the 51st century, of somewhat more open sexual mores than the 21st, when as a result of colonial expansion, humans had begun to explore new sexual freedoms and encounters with other species. (DW: The Doctor Dances)

Early in his life, he persuaded a friend to "join up" to fight against unspecified enemies, described by Jack as horrible. The enemies tortured his friend, so that Jack bore the guilt of his friend's fate. (TW: Captain Jack Harkness).

Jack's vague description of the unnamed enemies as very horrible possibly suggest the Daleks. However the Daleks do not torture for sport.:


At one point, Jack got pregnant, a memorable experience, though not nessecarily in a good way. (TW: Everything Changes)

This could imply that Jack has changed gender at least once or it could imply 51st century technology.:

Once, when sentenced to death, he orderd four hypervodkas as a last meal and ending up bedding both executioners (at the same time). (DW: The Doctor Dances)

Travels through the 20th century

During this phase of his life, he quite possibly already worked as a Time Agent.

In the 1908, for an unknown employer, he stole diamonds from a mine in Lahore. (torchwood.org.uk) One of his soldiers ended up accidentally killing a Chosen One, as a result of which, fairies killed every one of the men except Jack. (TW: Small Worlds)

We do not know why the fairies spared Jack. We do not know that at that time he had not yet acquired the name Jack Harkness.:

As Time Agent

Jack Harkness worked as a Time Agent until he discovered that the Agency had erased two years of his memory, two years he wanted to ahve back. (DW:The Empty Child)

As Jack Harkness

He assumed the alias of an American volunteer Captain Jack Harkness,serving as a volunteer in the 133rd Squadron of the Royal Air Force (DW: The Empty Child.)

The real Jack Harkness had died in action on January, 1940, though the imposter knew very little about the "real" Jack, other than basic information, such as the former's date of death. (TW: Captain Jack Harkness)

Prior to Feburary 1944 (torchwood.org.uk), he met Estelle Cole.

They spent some time in London together. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. Somehow, however, this never happened, and they lost touch with each other. (TW: Small Worlds)

Traelling with the Doctor

Jack worked as a con man, finding pieces of space junk and directing them to soon-to-be disaster sites, selling them to passers by, and letting them get destroyed before the buyers could pick up their merchandise. He would, at some point, acquire a sleek, small Chula spacecraft, fitted for human use, which could turn invisible.

In 1941, while pulling a con with a Chula Ambulance during the London Blitz, he spotted Rose Tyler hanging from a barrage balloon and rescued her, taking her aboard his Chula ship. Quickly finding out Rose came from the future, he suspected that other Time Agents had discovered him. (DW: The Empty Child). Shortly after, Rose introduced him to Ninth Doctor.Together, the trio worked to stop the Empty Child plague brought about by the Ambulance's nanogenes. Just before the destruction of his ship, with him in it., carrying as it did a German bomb about to exploded, he was rescued by the Doctor and Rose just before his original ship exploded. (DW: The Doctor Dances) and accompanied them on their subsequent adventures.

Jack was aboard Satellite 5 when the Daleks launched their assault on Earth, and was exterminated while defending the satellite from their advance. He was resurrected by Rose Tyler, who at that time had the powers of the Bad Wolf entity. Returned to life, Jack found he had been rendered immortal, although he was unable to rejoin the Doctor and Rose before the TARDIS departed, and was left stranded on the satellite. (DW: The Parting of the Ways) The Doctor, who has just regenerated, believed that Jack could begin the process of "rebuilding the Earth". (DW: Children in Need Special)


::Somehow, Jack escaped the satellite and found himself on Earth in an unknown time period. After his ressurection, Jack could no longer die.::

Jack joined the Torchwood Institute and became the leader of Torchwood 3, based under the Cardiff rift. Jack held on to the hope of re-establishing contact with the Doctor, who he believed could help him. (TW: Everything Changes onwards.)

He revealed very little of himself or his origins to his team, even when pursuing a flirtatious relaionship with Gwen Coooper (TW: Ghost Machine) and a fling and with Ianto Jones. (TW)

Transported back to 1940 by the Cardiff rift, Jack met his namesake, the original Jack Harkness, and briefly romanced him, before returning to the 21st century. (TW: Captain Jack Harkness).

After the rift was finally opened by Owen Harper, Jack was forced to confront Abbadon, released from the rift by Bilis Manger. The beast was destroyed while attempting to leech Jack's life, though the exertion rendered Jack dead for three days, his immortality apparently unable to save him. He was brought back to life by a kiss from Gwen.

Shortly after his resurrection, Jack noticed the Doctor's hand begin to glow within its hyperbaric chamber. The TARDIS materialized inside the Hub. By the time the rest of the Torchwood team arrived to investigate the sound of the TARDIS landing, Jack had gone. (TW: End of Days.)

Special items

When Rose and the Doctor first met him, Jack possessed his small private Chula ship, fitted for human use as well as psychic paper and a store of nanogenes in the ship. The ship accidentally got destroyed by a German bomb stowed away in it. (DW: The Empty Child, The Doctor Dances)


Jack possessed a sonic blaster. (DW: The Doctor Dances) He also stored a Compact Laser Deluxe away anally, in case of emergencies. (DW: Bad Wolf). As Torchwood 3 leader, Jack liked to carry a World War II service revolver. (TW: Everything Changes onward).

Special abilities

Since his resurrection by the Bad Wolf entity (DW: The Parting of the Ways), Jack can "die" and come back to life almost instantly (TW: Everything Changes onwards). So far he has "died" of a gunshot to the head (TW: Everything Changes, TW: End of Days) and multiple electrocutions (TW: Cyberwoman). The confrontation with Abaddon forced Jack as close he would come to true death. (TW: End of Days) Jack views this power as much curse as blessing. Each time he has died he has not experience anything at all, good or bad. (TW: Everything Changes)

Tosh could not use Mary's telepathy pendant to read his thoughts, although he could project thoughts to Tosh if he so chose. (TW: Greeks Bearing Gifts)

Behind the Scenes

  • Jack Harkness' first name was originally "Jax".
  • Jack apeared in Season 27 Doctor Who and Season 1 of Torchwood. He will appear during the second half of Season 29 of Doctor Who.

External links