Talk:Amy Pond

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I cited it and removed the deletion banner, 'cause I hear that was due to the lack of citation. --Golden Monkey 11:36, 20 July 2009 (UTC)

  • I'm surprised that folks were so quick to toss the deletion banner up, considering the news was everywhere including the Doctor Who News Page and the BBC itself. 23skidoo 14:58, 20 July 2009 (UTC)

Source re: alien

This one's funny. It was actually a joke published by DWIN, but it seems to have been picked up as fact in some places. I'll add a source to straighten things out. Since this was posted by a major fan organization, plus I have seen some people taking the "Wolf Weed" thing as being fact, I think mentioning it and indicating that it's just a joke is important. I even nearly fell for it (I did not see this original posting, which is clearly a josh). 23skidoo 17:22, 22 July 2009 (UTC)

  • I think "Hoax" is a bit strong, because hoaxes are intended to mislead the public. DWIN's joke, once you looked at it, was obvious as they used images of K9 from the 70s and a few other references. I'm going to change the heading to "Practical Joke". DWIN's error was in the timing; this would have been a perfect April Fool's joke. 23skidoo 02:54, 26 July 2009 (UTC)

Soothsayer Connection

They did this with alot when multiple characters are portrayed by one actor, Martha and the Cyberized woman being "cousins" and Gwen and her ancestor from the the 1800's. If Russel was still doing the shows I wouldn't put it passed him to have a throw away line like "You wouldn't happen to be greek?" wish Moffat could do something cooler than that though. - DontEatRawHagis


Could we maybe get some protection on this page, to stop unregistered users leaving weird unconfirmed speculation like she will be Donna Noble's cousin. I also think she should be added to the Companions list on the main toolbar <<< . Similarly, shouldn't the Eleventh Doctor appear on The Doctor section on the toolbar <<< ? -- Will101 21:27, September 1, 2009 (UTC)

When is the protection gonna get taken off? I'm unregistered but that doesn't mean I'm gonna mention Donna Noble's cousin. Please take it off, sombody! :( 11:55, April 6, 2010 (UTC)

The Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond are being left off the dropdown lists until we have more information.

Americanwhofan 21:48, September 1, 2009 (UTC)

  • The Eleventh Doctor should be added to the list of Doctors, considering he has confirmed his appearance as the new Doctor in the episode The End of Time Part 2. | JamesWho

But why? They've been confirmed as the Eleventh Doctor and his Companion! -- Will101 21:49, September 1, 2009 (UTC)

  • I second that. I'm not sure what "dropdown list" is being referred to here, but if anything has been removed, it should be put back. 23skidoo 12:02, October 28, 2009 (UTC)

It's the sidebar on the left <<< :) -- Will101 14:40, October 28, 2009 (UTC)

Policewoman outfit

I removed a reference to Amy arresting the Doctor. We don't know what the context of that outfit is, and unless she's in the vice squad, that short skirt is decidedly not regulation. It could just as easily be some form of costume. I did add a reference to the shorts/leggings because a pattern does seem to be emerging in all of the location photos that have been published so far, ranging from the first episode of the series (with the police outfit) to presumably later episodes (like the first one filmed in July). 23skidoo 12:02, October 28, 2009 (UTC)

  • Once again, I removed the reference to her arresting the Doctor. Unless someone has managed to see the episode in question, we can't state this. If someone connected with the production - an actor, a writer - has indicated this, then it needs a source. We also once again don't know if this is a real uniform (although it does look more like the genuine article in the photo included in the Telegraph link I posted, though I still doubt whether her skirt is regulation unless she's Vice). 23skidoo 18:39, November 24, 2009 (UTC)

Its possible she is in a police uniform from a different time, but we should wait for some confirmation. lottie01 11:20, January 17, 2010 (UTC)

She's in a police outfit as her job required her to have lots of skimpy costumes.In the episode Eleventh Hour it is stated that she is a kissagram(sombody who goes to parties in sexy costumes and kisses people) much to the docotors disgust when he found out as he always knew her as 'little Amelia Pond.The police costume was used to scare the doctor so he would give her answers she even pretended to 'call for backup'

21st Century or 1995?

I keep hearing that the Eleventh Doctor will meet Amy in 1995, but her time perdiod is down as the 21st century on the wiki. The setting of the filming pictures themselves hint that it will be 1995. Post offices appear to be in common use, whereas nearly everything is done through machines in the 21st century; before the 2000s came along, a lot of things were done through post offices, not machines. The filming pictures all seem to show a 90s setting, lacking machines and having the use of a post office instead. There is very few post offices even around anymore in the 21st century. Though there are still some, so it may be a bit of a stetch to say post office = set in the 90s. Delton Menace 19:23, December 5, 2009 (UTC) - This would be a blessing honestly, if it does turn out to be true. I like the idea of having a character a few years removed from current times, good way to play 'surprise at the future' to even stuff we're used to. Also, grunge-era dress sense! Awesome. Ponk 07:23, December 31, 2009 (UTC)

  • I also wonder if it's not premature to state with 100% certainty things like she's from Earth and human. While likely to be the case, there's always the chance it could end up being something different. I still say that police uniform looks too weird to be an official one (suggesting a possible Ford Prefect scenario, maybe?). Obviously we'll know pretty soon, but it might be premature to jump to some conclusions. This is Doctor Who, after all. ;) 23skidoo 14:47, January 6, 2010 (UTC)

I am hoping her era will be 1995, too. As for who she is, she is seen as being pretty damn human in the trailers... has a boyfriend and everything, and meets the Doctor. What were police woman uniforms like in the mid 1990s, anyway? Or she might just be an officer in training. Either way, I like her legs, so I'm not complanining. Ahem, anyways, I'm keeping my fingers cross for the 1995 setting, I loved that era: fat computers, black-and-white brick phones, and post offices still existed. ;) Delton Menace 15:05, January 10, 2010 (UTC)

From what I heard, she first meets him in 1995, as a child, and then in 2010 as an adult. -- Noneofyourbusiness 14:11, January 17, 2010 (UTC)

Ah, thanks for the info. :) Well, then series 5 spans 2010 for present day Earth. I guess the timeline really is in sync with us now: he meets her as an adult in 2010, and othe repisodes have dialouge saying 2010. Delton Menace 11:47, January 21, 2010 (UTC)


Does anyone have a source for the rumor about the accent? If not, it should probably be deleted until we get to hear her speak in character. 23skidoo 21:29, January 6, 2010 (UTC)

I hope she does have a scottish accent and not do what david tennat did which was when he did interviews he sounded scottish, but when he played the doctor he sounded english which was to me a dissapointment as if he did not want to be scottish. --Catkind121 14:14, February 8, 2010 (UTC)

It says a recent trailer shows her accent to be English. In the trailer I've seen, she has the most Scottish accent I've ever heard.

I deleted the whole thing about the accent. The fact is, we'll know immediately when we see The Eleventh Hour. So there's no need for speculation. For the record, though, I thought it was an entirely Scottish accent in the second trailer. But whatever. Totally useless point to be on the article right now. Don't know why people wanna write these things so far ahead of time anwyay. Were it up to me, this article would read, "Amy Pond was the first companion of the Eleventh Doctor," — and that'd be it right now. I'd heartily recommend people don't spend any more time on this article until The Eleventh Hour comes out. CzechOut | 18:12, March 2, 2010 (UTC)

To me the accent sounded like one from Bristol. And as I come from *fairly* near there, I'm used to hearing it. But I agree with CzechOut, and think we should leave all speculation or whatever until The Eleventh Hour. -- Will101 16:47, March 3, 2010 (UTC)

  • Agreed. So far all we have to go on is the 3-D trailer, and it's really hard to tell from the few words of dialogue she utters. Also, as the various clips on Youtube of her on the Kevin Bishop Show attest, she's another master of accents like Catherine Tate, so she could sound like anyone when DW gets going. 23skidoo 04:28, March 8, 2010 (UTC)


When she met the Doctor for the second time (in what we're saying is 2008), was she engaged to Rory, or was that sometime between 2008-2010? Tardis1963 04:49, April 4, 2010 (UTC)

He was only her "sort of" boyfriend in 2008, I think. In the confidential Steven Moffat, Karen Gillan and the actor that plays Rory all said somthing along the same lines - that Rory grew up in the shadow of Amy's "raggedy doctor", and that when they were kids Amy gave him hell over other imaginary things such as the tooth fairy and Santa, which she no longer beleived in. Maybe over the next two years, after Amy had met the Doctor for the second time and put the prisoner zero thing to rest their relasionship improved up to the point of getting married. Only to be ruined by the Doctor again! : ) 15:07, April 4, 2010 (UTC)

Amy's engagement

Why is it now assumed that Amy is engaged to Rory Williams? There is no evidence for this.

True. 11:55, April 6, 2010 (UTC)

Well, in the actual episode (and during the second visit of the doctor) she introduces him and he emphasizes that he's her boyfriend. So, following simple logic and ignoring the possibility that things could have changed, it would make sense that 2 years later (during the third visit of the doctor) they are engaged and would have married. As I said, the theory ignores the possibility that for some reason she could be engaged to someone else. LBurk (no brain, no pain) 21:17, April 6, 2010 (UTC)
I think the key to your sentence is the word "he". He emphasizes, she de-emphasizes. He also has an extreme reaction to the mention of Jeff. So there's the possibility, as of 14:40, April 7, 2010 (UTC), that Jeff might be in the picture as well. Or at the very least, Jeff might have been in the picture at one point. Sure there are all sorts of rumors swirling around, and of course Rory's presence has been detected on location shoots, and he's in the season trailers far more than Jeff. But we really need to be super-cautious here. Unless the episode actually says something, we can't assume anything. It's just like the accent thing. We got pre-broadcast trailers/scenes where Amy had an English accent. And it turns out, in the episode she did have an English accent for a decent length of time. But that English accent turned out to be an affectation the character was putting on to disguise her Scottishness. The only things we know at this point are that she was in an unequal relationship with Rory at one point, and two years later she's got a wedding dress. Sure, they could be engaged, but there are other possibilities, too. CzechOut | 14:40, April 7, 2010 (UTC)
Well, I think you're right with the caution at that point. We can at least summarize which known facts speak for which speculation (emphasizing the "speculation" thingy). I just wanted to throw in that Rory was confirmed to be a recurring character, so he might become the new Micky/Ricky... of sorts. But I guess instead of throwing in theories and other brain-spam, I'll just wait what the next 2-3 episodes will tell us :) LBurk (no brain, no pain) 02:15, April 8, 2010 (UTC)

There's no point speculating - The episodes are telling us all we need to know, for the moment: that Amy is getting married. We'll find out who to soon. 08:08, April 11, 2010 (UTC)