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Chiyoko was a seemingly human girl of Japanese descent.


Chiyoko was first seen in an alliance with Axos, who had come to 21st century Tokyo to set up a fake company, which they called the Rising Sun Corporation. One of the corporation's "products" was a drink called "Goruda". Goruda was advertised as a brain tonic, but it would actually transform those who consumed it repeatedly into Axons. In its public face of "Mr. Kin", Axos passed off Chiyoko as 'his' ward and advisor.

When Axos encountered resistance from the Doctor and his allies, Chiyoko betrayed it, freeing the Doctor's companion, Amy Pond, and Major Harada of UNIT. When the Doctor defeated Axos, the dying gestalt claimed that Chiyoko had promised it Earth. Chiyoko replied by saying the deception was necessary "for a new life to begin." (DWM: The Golden Ones)

Chiyoko then somehow managed to travel to Paris, France, 1858, where she watched the Doctor and Amy depart. (DWM: The Screams of Death)

It was revealed that Chiyoko was an evolved amalgamation of the Doctor's TARDIS, Axos, the Shasarack, Konami, Cosette, Margaret Webster and other creatures. She had what looked like a galaxy on her chest, and she destroyed a whole army of plague robots. She had the ability to see through time, and could travel through time, due to her TARDIS-like qualities. (DWM: Apotheosis)

After leaving the Doctor and Amy, Chiyoko travelled through time, freeing Axos from the time loop, sending Valdemar to 19th century France, and transporting the Vorlax Regeneration Drone to 2011, thus setting in motion the events that would lead to her own creation. She then travelled thousands of years iunto Earth's future and instigated a war between the Humans and the Galateans, with herself worshipped as a deity by both sides. When the Doctor and Amy failed to stop a bomb from destroying the Earth, Chiyoko appeared to them, telling them that the purpose of the war was to know which race was "better." (DWM: The Child of Time)