Forum:Layout and navigation updates October 3

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community:User_blog:BertH/Layout_and_navigation_updates_coming_October_3 - I strongly recommend activating Expanded Wiki Navigation, as it'll become mandatory on October 3. There's some other layout changes in the works too which may affect the custom skins used here.  Digifiend  Talk  PR/SS  KR  MH  Toku  JD  Garo  TH  CG  UM  Logos  CLG  DW  17:36,9/20/2012 

As explained at Forum:New nav bar, new approach to videos, the new nav bar will not be activated a moment before it's completely styled to fit this wiki. It destroys the aesthetic design of this wiki, so integrating it is much more than simply flipping a switch. Don't expect to see it on this wiki one moment before 3 October. The wiki can absorb the other changes on 3 October without having to change anything, as has been verified by looking at the wiki through the lens of the new (and, frankly, fractionally different) layout. Other wikis will have more problems absorbing the non-nab bar changes, because their backgrounds were less carefully designed in the first place.
czechout<staff />    00:37: Fri 21 Sep 2012