Howling:Plot point of Impossible Astronaut

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I don't know if this point has already been made, but in hindsight, shouldn't we have realized it was a future Doctor at the beginning of TIA because of his Tie/suspender colour? Because, isn't his code Blue tie for going into the past and Red tie for going into the present or future.. So in that case, since he was wearing blue, we should've known without seeing the present Doctor at the cafe... Just a thought.. TheTARDIScontroller 02:59, August 27, 2011 (UTC)

How does that work? The 21st century isn't exactly the present for him, is it. It's just a period in history that he happens to be visiting a lot lately. Either way, they left quite a few clues that he was an older version (the diaries and his age being the most obvious examples), but that just isn't something that most people notice on their first viewing. In hindsight, it is easier to find all the clues.Icecreamdif 03:42, August 27, 2011 (UTC)

This was a popular fan theory until the middle of last season. He wore a red tie for TEH and TBB, a blue tie for VotD, a red tie for TToA/FaS, and a blue tie for VoV. But after that, it stopped working. He wore blue ties in the Leadworth part of AC and in TL, and red in TPO. And this season, he wore red straight through from episode 3 (in the past) to 7 (in the future), despite changing clothes (and of course shoes) multiple times.

Even before it stopped working, it was quite a stretch. First, TEH wasn't in the present or future, it was in the past. Sure, the red tie he wore through most of the episode's was Tennant's, but he changed 2 years in the past, and chose from a selection of ties, and again picked red. And, because he only changed between episodes after that one, he was often wearing the wrong color in many scenes. For example, between talking to Amy in the TARDIS at the end of FaS and going to Rory's bachelor party a few minutes later in VoV, he changes from a red tie to a blue one, even though both scenes are 5 weeks in the future.

And finally, even if the tie code had ever worked, the present Doctor isn't wearing a red tie at the cafe either, so what would that tell you? Are they both future Doctors? -- 04:24, August 27, 2011 (UTC)