
From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

The Time Lords were the oligarchic rulers of the planet Gallifrey. Regarded by other races as "stuffy" and "indolent", most mainstream Time Lords thought it proper to watch over the universe from a distance rather than explore it up close. A certain faction of the civilisation, however, recognised the practical need to occasionally retreat from their "ivory towered" existence and get involved for the ostensible good of the Web of Time. This group, known as the Celestial Intervention Agency, or CIA, provided the Doctor — as well as Lord President Romana — with a second foci for disdain. Caught between a mainstream polity that preferred merely to observe and a second group that interfered where it suited their long-term interests, it was little wonder that the Doctor, and for a time Romana, chose to separate themselves from both factions of Time Lord society and become renegades. Their mistrust of their own people was only reinforced by the several judicial proceedings and political enquiries that were lodged against them.

Beware species with the same name
Not the Vogan you were expecting?

The show's been on forever. Some species names are simply going to get reused. One of the most obvious are the Vogans. Most fans remember the Vogan from season 12's Revenge of the Cybermen. But there's also the Vogans that plagued the Third Doctor

Start at species

The top-level category for species is category:species. We know what you're thinking: "Why did we make it to difficult to figure out?" Well, the admin staff of this wiki delight in making things as hard to figure out as possible. .

From another dimension

When it comes to identifying where a species comes from, surely there's no cooler concept than other dimension species!

Anthropomorphic animal fan?
How can you not love a Judoon platoon upon the Moon?

If you like alien species that are based on Earth animals, you're in luck. All you have to do is go to the page of an Earth mammal and check out the "looks like" box. For instance, if you wanna know what aliens look like elephants, just go that pachyderm's page and find yourself a breadcrumb at the top of the page.

Biology rules!

One of the cooler species categories is species by biology. Take a gander! That category will help you find species by the special biology they have. Aquatic species, energy beings, species with binary vascular systems — they're all here waiting for you.

Crazy, crazy species names

Maybe no publication has been so active in the creation of off-the-wall species than Doctor Who Adventures. Some of the funkiest names in DWU history come from that mag. Both Homozillians and Hussuloofian come from DWA – and we've not even looked outside the hs.

Sometimes, our category names are kinda long

Sometimes, our category names get very specific so that they're clearly worded. A nice, wordy category is the surprisingly helpful Species influential to Earth's past

Slavery ain't just from the American South

Regrettably, there's an awful lot of slavery in the Doctor Who universe. That's why we absolutely need a large-isn category like slave species.