User:Demon TimeLady

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

Uh, er... hi! *waves*

Well, that wasn't very Whovian, let's try this...

"State your name, rank, and intentention."

Demon, New Whovian, fun... :D

Better? I hope so. Right, well, I found this place through a friend of mine who is considerably more knowledgable in Doctor Who than I am and she told me that the secret to her brilliance was TARDIS.WIKIA, so... here I am. Honestly, I'm here trying to learn as much as I can about Old Who, or Classic Who as the true fans refer to it. Because I've seen every episode of New Who, ate it up, but I felt like I wasn't really a true Whovian until I'd seen it ALL, and even then, there's the books, the spin-off shows, all the other memrobilia. But for being a poorly resourced American, I think I've done a pretty good job in finding all I can.

And I have this huge obsession because a long time ago, long before I started watching, I heard about this show. Someone mentioned that it was huge in Britan and this was when I was just discovering that I was an Anglophile (Harry Potter will do that to you...) and I decided, then and there, barely knowing anything about it except it was sci-fi and something to do with time-traveling and fun and British, that I would brain wash myself with it. I can't tell you why I had this strong affinity for it as soon as I heard it spoke of, but I just latched onto it.

Well... I forgot all about it until about 3 years ago when my best friend said, "There's this show called Doctor Who on BBCA" (which she had and I did not, do not, still wish I had) "and you HAVE TO SEE IT". Well, I immediately agreed for a number of reasons and so, a few weeks after that we settled down to watch "The Girl in the Fireplace". Within SECONDS I was hooked. And every single day after I have loved it, I imediately began to scour the internet for episodes, and, since that was before the Great YouTube Purge of '08, I did not come up empty handed. I went all the way back to the first episode of New Who and watched it straight through. And somewhere in there, I achieved my goal. I woke up one day and life no longer made sense without believing that somewhere out there there was an odd little man in a blue box saving the universe.

Crazy? Maybe, but I'm sure there are those of you who can see where I'm coming from.

So... yeah, that's the short-version of my history being a Whovian. It was jsut something that I could love and be a part of in a way that I never had with anything else. And I have loved, still love, many fandoms, wrote many fics, bought tons of memrobilia, but... this is my home.

Favorite Companion: Martha Jones, hands-down. And I do love Donna, and I used to like Rose... but then RTD brought her back from the AU (I love that those are real in DW-verse!) and then I got annoyed.

Favorite Villains: Because you can't pick just one!

1. The Master - for the longest time, I was a tie between him and the Daleks, but EOT finally made me decide on the Master.

2. The Daleks - LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM! SO MUCH! Every time I see them I SQUEE for joy and then clench my fists in anticipation of whatever new evil plot they've hatched now.

3. Vashta Nerada - ...what?! Contrary to most fans, I think these guys are even scarier than the Weeping Angels. I do, I really do, and that's why they're number 3.

4. Robots from "The Girl in the Fireplace" - LOVE THEM SO MUCH! My epic DW fic of win that I wrote for tardis_bigbang on LJ was centered around them, honestly.

5. Now it gets to be a hard decision, but I think the Beast/Satan from "The Impossible Planet/Satan Pit". Just... the speech the Doctor gives at the end of that was just so brilliant, I loved it.

Favorite Writer: Steven Moffat. Because, frankly, he wrote all the best DW episode. I'm SORRY RTD fans, and I admit he had his moments, namely End of Time, which I do believe is possibly the best writing of the whole show, definitely Russell's best, but... more often than not, he just ticked me off. Plus, I've seen Moffat's work before in other shows (Coupling, anyone? :D) and he's just BRILLIANT. I trust him more than anyoen to make this new season without David just as brilliant as it ever was. That being said...

Favorite Doctor: Like SO. MANY. OTHERS. I was swept off my feet by the charming, loony, manic, brilliant, ridulously handsome, skinny Scottish bloke. Now, I have seen 8 and 9 and, in their own ways, I loved them both too. I even teared up a bit when 9 regenerated, fully knowing what was coming, so don't think that I love him best because he's the only one I know. I love all the Doctors, even seeing precious little of them, I do. But 10 will ALWAYS be my Doctor and... there will never be anyone else like him, and there shouldn't. Which is why I'm apprehensive about 11, I don't want him to try to be David's Doctor. You might think I'm paranoid, but it's a very real possibility. I'm willing to give him a chance though, I'm not that biased... yet :).

Um... that's all for now, moe to add later, I'm sure, but... yeah, that's my two-cents on Doctor Who :).

The things you regret the most are the chances you didn't take. 17:02, January 24, 2010 (UTC)