The 223rd issue of Doctor Who Magazine was published on 15 March 1995.
- Writing (New) Who - In the final part of this series Craig Hinton interviews more of the authors of Virgin's The New and The Missing Adventures series of novels, along with editor Rebecca Levene, who discusses up-coming fiction and non-fiction releases. (Daniel O'Mahony, Steve Lyons and Simon Messingham)
- Tomorrow's Times - From The Sensorites to Battlefield, excursions into humanity's future in Doctor Who have been extremely diverse, both in stylistic approach and subject matter. Philip MacDonald looks at the way the series has viewed the shapes of things to come...
Comic stories
- Change of Mind - Part 3
- The Cybermen - Part Nine
- Prelude - NA: Infinite Requiem by Daniel Blythe
Telesnap archives
Compiled by Matthew Pereira
- The Underwater Menace - Episode 4
Interviews / Profiles
- The King Maker - Michael Hayes has enjoyed a long and distinguished career as a television director, his credits including three highly regarded Doctor Who adventures. In the first of a two-part interview, Philip Newman talks to Michael about his work on The Androids of Tara and The Armageddon Factor.
- The Vision Thing - In the early 1970's Doctor Who received a wide range of high quality coverage in Radio Times. Informed articles, imaginative photography, artwork from some of the country's most talented illustrators and a special publication to celebrate the Tenth Anniversary all raised public awareness of the series/ Philip Newman talks to the man responsible; former Radio Times art editor, David Driver.
Reviews - Shelf Life
Reviews by Craig Hinton
Regular features
- 'Doctor Who?' by Tim Quinn & Dicky Howett
- Gallifrey Guardian
- Beyond the TARDIS
- Timelines (Letters)
- The Fanzine Trap (Compiled by John Ainsworth)
- Editor: Gary Gillatt
- Associate Editors: Marcus Hearn
- Assistant Editor: Warwick Scott Gray
- Design: Paul Vyse & Gary Gilbert
- Production: Mark Irvine & Irfan Yunis
- Group Editor: Gary Russell
Additional details
to be added