Template:Pre-broadcast spoiler
Prisoners now on board the Crucible. They will be taken for testing.', Dalek.
This is the 13th and final episode of Series 4 and will feature 6 companions of the Doctor. It is a continued on a cliffhanger from Episode 12.
The entire universe is in danger as the Daleks activate their masterplan, and enslave 21st century Earth. The Doctor is helpless, and even the TARDIS faces destruction. The only hope lies with the Doctor's secret army of companions– but as they join forces to battle Davros himself, the prophecy declares that one of them will die. Who is Davros actually working for?.
- The Doctor - David Tennant
- Donna Noble - Catherine Tate
- Rose Tyler - Billie Piper
- Martha Jones - Freema Agyeman
- Captain Jack Harkness - John Barrowman
- Sarah Jane Smith - Elisabeth Sladen
- Mickey Smith - Noel Clarke
- Jackie Tyler - Camille Coduri
- Luke Smith - Thomas Knight
- Gwen Cooper - Eve Myles
- Ianto Jones - Gareth David-Lloyd
- Wilfred Mott - Bernard Cribbins
- Sylvia Noble - Jacqueline King
- Francine Jones - Adjoa Andoh
- Davros - Julian Bleach
- Dalek Voice - Nicholas Briggs
- Dalek Operators - Barney Edwards, Nick Pegg, David Hankinson, Anthony Spargo
- Mr. Smith - Alexander Armstrong
Production crew
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Story notes
- According to DWM this is the biggest finale of Doctor Who ever.
- Blue Peter presenter Gethin Jones operates a Dalek in this episode, returning to Doctor Who since his brief appearance as a Cyberman in The Age of Steel.
- In the last episode the doctor said a long time ago a race tried to move the Earth as well. This could be a reference to The Dalek Invasion Earth or the Time Lord High Council moving Earth in Colin Baker's last episode as the Doctor, The Ultimate Foe.
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Myths & Rumors
- There will be a new Doctor, as the cliffhanger for the previous episode showed the Doctor regenerating. Highly unlikely as David Tennant confirmed he would be in the specials in 2009. If he did regenerate there would be a paradox with River Song and she knew everything that happens to him so The Doctor will NOT regenerate into anothor body, he'll just heal himself. This is called a Botched regeneration. Would this not make Tennant the tenth and eleventh doctors?
- There are rumors that Harriet Jones is imprisoned,instead of exterminated as it appeared. However, this is unlikely. Actually this is possible, as we know Sarah Jane will survive, why not Harriet Jones, perhaps the Harriet Jones to Dalek rumour is still true, however she doesn't do it willingly. RTD said that a female we all know very well will die. This is likely to have been Harriet Jones, as everytime she introduces herself, the response is "Yes, we know who you are" including the Daleks.
- Gallifrey is restored. Highly unlikely. Every reference to the loss of Gallifrey is that it was destroyed (or "burned"), not missing as the other planets are. In addition, all 27 missing planets were identified at the Shadow Proclamation.
- Rose dies. Unlikely, as her farewell to the Doctor and Donna has been filmed showing them at Bad Wolf Bay.
- Donna dies. This had been foreshadowed in Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, although Donna did already "die" in Turn Left. But then there was the "Sorry for your loss" line in The Stolen Earth, this could be Donna's memory loss.
- Martha dies. Possible as the weapon she has (The Osterhagen key) is rumoured to be a suicide weapon.
- The Master will be returning but in the form of a Dalek. Very unlikely.
- If the rumour is true that the Doctor is split in two, as part of his botched regeneration, then Gallifrey could be estored by the Doctor going back to the Time War and saving it. This would send the Doctor mad, but there would be another Doctor, because of the botched regeneration. Providing the botched regeneration clones the Doctor, not splits him in two, then this is likely. and it's possilbe this is similar to Martha's clone. (Except the Doctor will do something with his clone, unlikly he'll kill it.) Anyone else think RTD wouldn't oossibly stoop as low as the cliche of cloning the Doctor?
- The Osterhagen key is either a reset button or a suicide weapon.
- Donna could be the Rani. Unlikely.
- Assuming the ambiguous theories of a 'botched regeneration' are plausible, any chance we could be seeing an early version of the Valeyard? In Trial Of A Time Lord, the Valeyard is seen as an incarnation of the ptentially evil side of the Doctor between the twelfth and thirteenth regenerations. Though a couple of regenerations early, the "Osterhagen key" roughly translates as 'graveyard' or 'boneyard' (insults that Tom Baker used against the Valeyard in 'Trial Of A Time Lord').
- K-9 makes an appearance. Likely as we know Sarah Jane Smith survives, and K-9 could save her.
- The Master will have a cameo at the end of the episode. Unlikely, despite rumours of the Red Dalek Supreme, etc. RTD wouldn't have him re-enter the series so soon after his departure.
Discontinuity, Plot Holes, Errors
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DVD and Other releases
See also
External links
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