One Small Step... was the fourteenth short story in the Short Trips anthology Short Trips: Past Tense. It was written by Nicholas Briggs. It featured the Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon and Zoe Herriot.
to be added
- Cows are always very friendly towards the Doctor.
One Small Step was later narrated by the author for audio and released as free content on the Big Finish Podcast on 9 January 2009.
- The Doctor mentions Quarks, (DW: The Dominators) Krotons, (DW: The Krotons) Cybermen (DW: The Invasion) and "deadly clockwork robots". (DW: The Mind Robber)
- TARDIS is invisible. (DW: The Invasion)
- One Small Step... occurs after DWM: Land of the Blind.
- One Small Step... occurs contemporaneously with DW: Day of the Moon.
- One Small Step... occurs before ST: Homework.