The Forgotten Army was the third Eleventh Doctor novel.
Publisher's summary
Let me tell you a story. Long ago, in the frozen Arctic wastes, an alien army landed. Only now, 10,000 years later, it isn't a story. And the army is ready to attack.
New York – one of the greatest cities on 21st century Earth...
But what's going on in the Museum? And is that really a Woolly Mammoth rampaging down Broadway? An ordinary day becomes a time of terror, as Ice Age creatures come back to life, and the Doctor and Amy meet a new and deadly enemy. The vicious Army of the Vykoid are armed to the teeth and determined to enslave the human race. Even though they're only seven centimetres high. With the Doctor kidnapped, and the Vykoid army swarming across Manhattan and sealing it from the world with a powerful alien forcefield, Amy has just 24 hours to find the Doctor and save the city. If she doesn't, the people of Manhattan will be taken to work in the doomed asteroid mines of the Vykoid home planet. But as time starts to run out, who can she trust? And how far will she have to go to free New York from the Forgotten Army?
- The Doctor
- Amy Pond
- Sam Horwitz
- Polly Vernon
- NYPD Officer Oscar Henderson
- NYPD Commander Jackie Stebbins
- Trinity Wells
- Vykoids
- The Doctor can make the TARDIS go five seconds out of sync with the rest of time by clicking his fingers.
- Amy grew up in Inverness, Scotland before moving to Leadworth. (Incidentally, Inverness is the home city of actress Karen Gillan, who portrays Amy.)
- The Vykoids are a very advanced civilisation - level 18 or higher.
- Trinity Wells makes her first appearance in a Doctor Who novel. The Doctor says that he has never met her, but when she's on the telly, he knows the world is in danger. This paraphrases a quote by Russell T Davies on Doctor Who Confidential.
- This is a 'comedic' style book.
- There is much "toilet humour" in this story. Upon awakening, the Mammoth's first act is to defecate, in spite of the fact that it is actually an alien spaceship. Later on, Amy slips in dung, the Mammoth farts (again, ignoring the fact that it is an alien spaceship) and the Doctor says the "asteroid" mines of the Vykroid homeworld are actually excrement of a large space animal that became extinct.
- At the end, the Doctor announces their next stop as the Delerium Archive, placing this adventure directly before DW: The Time of Angels.
- The Doctor makes himself known to Stebbins by using the code "X231 hyphen 19 ten", a code that, according to Stebbins, has been in on record since 1932.
- According to the Doctor, the restaurant "Big Paulie's Sausages" in June 2010, is the best place in history to eat at, with many species saving up to make the trip to eat there.
- This story was also released as an ebook available from the Amazon Kindle store.
- Amy recalls Mrs Poggit (and her bad hip) from Leadworth. (DW: Amy's Choice)
- Amy thinks of Rory at one point and later mentions him.
- The Doctor says he wants to make sure there are no cracks in New York, possibly referring to the Cracks in space and time.
- The Doctor makes reference to the last time he was in New York City, saying he spent far too long underground (DW: Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks).
- The Doctor states yet again (several times) that 'bowties are cool' (DW: The Eleventh Hour, Amy's Choice, Vincent and the Doctor, The Lodger, The Big Bang), and says that 'they'll all be wearing them soon', which actually occurs in DWAN: Fashion Victims.
- When jumping on to the back of the mammoth, the Doctor yells 'Geronimo', once again. (DW: The End of Time, The Eleventh Hour, The Beast Below, The Big Bang, NSA: Apollo 23, VG: City of the Daleks)
- The Doctor uses his Sonic screwdriver to make a wooden chair fall apart, despite the fact that it usually 'doesn't do wood'. (DW: Silence in the Library, The Hungry Earth,The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe)
- Amy has a strange recollection of seeing Nile Penguins in the museum. (DW: The Big Bang)
- The Doctor mentions having 'borrowed' the TARDIS, a fact later repeated by him in DW: The Big Bang.
- The Doctor mentions the Shadow Proclamation. (DW: Rose, et al)
- The Doctor sends Amy messages on the psychic paper (DW: New Earth, Silence in the Library,) and refers to the Atraxi doing the same in DW: The Eleventh Hour.
- References are made to nobody feeling "safe at Christmas", following recent events.
- Barack Obama is mentioned as being President of the United States, following on from his appearance in DW: The End of Time.
- Joe Hudson's father still talks about the time Joe "froze and started chanting" (TW: Children of Earth: Day One)
- Colonel Mace of UNIT is mentioned, and is still in Vancouver.
- The Doctor mentions all the clocks resetting to zero (DW: The Eleventh Hour) - this was apparantly due to a computer fault.
- A Judoon, three Graske and a Cat Person are among the aliens eating at "Big Paulie's Sausages".
- Various smaller scale alien invasions are mentioned, but not the 2009 Dalek invasion of Earth - most likely due to it being erased by a crack in space and time. (DW: Victory of the Daleks, Flesh and Stone)
- General Erik observes that Amy is 'so important to [the Doctor], but [she doesn't] know why'. The reason for this is revealed in DW: The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang.
- Amy mentions that the Doctor had planned to take her to see the moons of Poosh. The Lost Moon of Poosh was among the celestial bodies stolen by the Daleks in DW: The Stolen Earth/Journey's End.
- The Forgotten Army occurs after NSA: The Runaway Train
- The Forgotten Army occurs before DW: The Time of Angels
Audio release
- The story was released as an audiobook on 6x CD read by Olivia Colman.
- The audiobook is also available as a download from the AudioGo website.