- Release Number 9
- Publisher World Distributors
- Released in September 1974
- Priced 90p
- Format Hardback 80 pages
- Featured Doctor: Third Doctor
- Featured Companions: Jo Grant, Sarah Jane Smith, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
- Featured Enemies:
Text Stories
- The House That Jack Built by Keith Miller
- Revenge of the Phantoms
- The Time Thief
- Fugitives from Chance
- The Battle Within
- Before the Legend
- Scorched Earth
Comic Strip Story
- Our Spectacular Sun
- Not Just an Empty Space
- Earth of the Future
- In the Future
- In the Future
- Secrets of the Moon Rocks
- Decisions, decisions
- Essential Life-Support Systems
- Futurescope!
- Toro the Tiny Moonlet
- Up In Space
- Dr Who’s Space Age Crossword
- Test Your Knowledge
- The Secret Steps - Game
Additional Notes
- The Doctor is referred to throughout as Dr Who.
- Some illustrations are provided by Edgar Hodges
- The photographic cover uses two publicity shots of the Third Doctor, the largely one evidently taken during location filming for Planet of the Daleks.
- Oddly, two different story with the same title, The Time Thief, appears in two consecutive annuals, last year's in comics form, this year's in prose form.
External Links
To be added