A laser was an artificial beam of light the photons of which moved in a single direction. Many lasers were harmless and used in some games (TV: Warriors of Kudlak), but other lasers were used as deadly weapons. During their campaign to recruit warriors, the Uvodni utilised harmless laser weapons in their interactive laser-tag game Combat 3000. However, on board their ship, the Kudlak warriors carried deadly blaster rifles that fired a yellow laser burst.
Some weapons, such as Sontaran lasers, were called "lasers" despite travelling slower than light. (TV: The Sontaran Stratagem). Lasers could also be used for a defensive purpose, as when the Tenth Doctor, Donna and Jenny came across a grid of heat rays in one of the tunnels underneath Messaline. (TV: The Doctor's Daughter)
Examples of laser weapon use
- The Cybermen were armed with a wrist-mounted laser blaster that fired a red blast. (TV: Rise of the Cybermen, The Age of Steel, The Pandorica Opens)
- The Daleks used gunsticks which fired laser rays which could be modified into hand-held Tommy rifles. (TV: Evolution of the Daleks)
- The parallel Torchwood developed laser weapons, which destroyed Cybermen and could blast through a Dalek's shield. (TV: Doomsday) These weapons were later upgraded, to the point that they could destroy Daleks in one shot. (TV: The Stolen Earth)
- Jack Harkness had a compact laser delux. (TV: Bad Wolf)
- Jack Harkness used components from a pair of androids to build a high-powered energy weapon out of a defabricator. (TV: Bad Wolf)
- The Sontarans utilised laser rifles during their Invasion attempt. (TV: The Poison Sky)
- The Judoon carried hand-held blaster pistols which fired a red disintegrator beam. (TV: Smith and Jones)
- The Toclafane had laser blasters built in to their casings. (TV: The Sound of Drums)
- On the planet Griffoth, the Graske were armed with tiny laser pistols which fired purple blasts to combat intruders. (GAME: Attack of the Graske)
- Sontaran batons fired a laser that could cripple their victims. (TV: The Poison Sky)
- Chantho used a laser pistol to shoot the Master. (TV: Utopia)
- Eva Saint Julienne used a laser pistol to shoot the Jagrafess. (TV: The Long Game)
- Novice Hame carried a laser gun for protection when searching for the Tenth Doctor. (TV: Gridlock)
- The Saxon Master had a laser screwdriver, capable of killing. (TV The Sound of Drums, Last of the Time Lords)
- The Slitheen-Blathereen family used braclets which fired orange lasers. (TV: The Gift)
- The Merons carried a trident-shaped weapon which shot 3 green beams. (TV: Liberation)
- The Korven had a laser weapon on their palms. (TV: The Korven)
- Ahab made use of a laser lasso. (TV: The Bounty Hunter)
- CCPCs were armed with a palm-mounted laser blaster that fired a red beam. (TV: Aeolian)