It recently occurred to me what the eternal dalek could be used for- storing the memories of the daleks. The eternal Dalek is, essentially, backup storage for the pathweb files. This is a possible storyline using this theory:
The Doctor faces the Daleks again, and defeats them quite simply in an opening scene due to the fact they don't know him. Another alien on the same planet is the bad guy for the remainder of the episode. A couple more episodes where they are a minor threat until they are again reduced to reliably defeatable, though intentionally this time. The Doctor now finds daleks laughable, and he faces them again. Only this time they know everything about him. They exterminate him, and he regenerates. Through the post-regeneration story, it is revealed that the eternal dalek knew and informed them. The Doctor runs back to his TARDIS, but they shoot him again. He survives due to the post regeneration energy, but only barely. Opalsaloony- We are the Superior Beings 03:24, December 27, 2012 (UTC)
I sure hope not. Making the Daleks seem easily defeatbale would be a bad decision on the part of the writers, even if they did come back more dangerous than ever a few episodes later. to me 14:39, December 27, 2012 (UTC)