The Dr Who Annual 1979 was the thirteenth Doctor Who annual published by World Distributors. It was released on September 1978.
- Release Number 13
- Publisher World Distributors
- Released in September 1978
- Priced £1.50
- Format Hardback 64 pages
- Featured Doctor: The Fourth Doctor
- Featured Companions: Leela
- Featured Enemies:
Text stories
Comic strip story
- Ships of the Sky
- Journeys of Discovery
- Dressed for a Walk
- Puzzle it Out
- Tricky Connection
- Guessing the Garzl
- Prisoners of the Prefussions
Additional notes
- This annual was illustrated by Paul Crompton.
- A PDF version of the entire annual was included with the 2007 DVD release of The Armageddon Factor as part of The Key to Time DVD box set.
External links
To be added