Released in 2002, Big Finish Productions' the Sarah Jane Smith series of audio dramas explored the life of Sarah Jane Smith. The series took place in the present day. K-9 Mark III did not appear.
Publisher's Summary
Back on Earth, former travelling companion of the Doctor, intrepid journalist Sarah Jane Smith, fights corruption and crime. A series of self-contained adventures on single CD.
Sarah Jane Smith
Series One
Series Two
Cast & Characters
Series One
- Sarah Jane Smith - Elisabeth Sladen
- Josh Townsend - Jeremy James
- Natalie Redfern - Sadie Miller
- Ellie Martin - Juliet Warner
Series Two
- Sadie Miller, who performs alongside Elisabeth Sladen in almost all the audios, is Elisabeth Sladen's daughter.
- The core cast does not change throughout the 4 stories, however in each story there are various additional cast and characters (see individual stories for more detail).