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Doctor Who is a family programme. It's not a kids programme. People of all ages watch it, and content has always been made in this franchise so as to reflect that reality.
Some stories are for kids. Some aren't.
Many of the books which bore a Doctor Who logo in the 1990s were decidedly written for adults. And Torchwood certainly was produced for a different audience than Doctor Who.
Because we aim to cover the whole of the Doctor Who universe (DWU), we do not censor our content except in this way: if it wasn't in a DWU story, it doesn't stay on this site.
But DWU characters have had every kind of sex imaginable. And they regularly die violent deaths — sometimes while chewin' tobacco, drinkin' whiskey and/or smokin' a joint, man. As a parent, you should remember that Doctor Who is a time travel show. That means it regularly shows things we now frown on, because they used to be commonplace. In the same way Mad Men features offices thick with cigarette fog, you should expect that the Doctor will relish some brandy with a 17th century pirate or five.
Pages on this site have content that ranges the gamut from extremely kid-friendly to extremely adult-friendly.
Welcome to your community's Parent Filter page!
This page is where you can create your ParentFilter page. This text is placeholder text to explain how to create your page properly. You will need to edit/overwrite this text before adding Parent Filter content.
Parent Filter is a Wikia-wide effort to provide specific information to help parents make responsible and informed choices about what their kids consume. Just like Special Promote, Parent Filter is a way to get more visibility for your wikia and also a way to help contribute to the overall quality of Wikia. You can read more about this project here. An excellent example of a Parent Filter page is the Destinypedia ParentFilter.
To use one of the Parent Filter templates on your wiki, the first thing you'll need to do is create a new page (or pages, if you want to include multiple media types) with the appropriate title: Template:Parent Filter VG, Template:Parent Filter TV or Template:Parent Filter Film. Then copy and paste each template's content, which you can get from the following links:
Once you have created the template pages, you can type the information directly into the forms below (don't forget to remove the <pre style> tags from each section) for your content to appear on this page.
If your wikia covers multiple types of media (example: multiple versions of a game series, a franchise that has a movie as well as a TV show), please feel free to use multiple templates stacked on this page to cover everything you wish to present. You may also add sections or new fields to the templates to accommodate multiple media. Here are some examples of how other wikis have handled this:
Elder Scrolls ParentFilter included multiple versions of the game.
Professor Layton ParentFilter included information about multiple games and a film.
Video Game
{{Parent Filter VG |title = |publisher = |description = |similar = |genre = |length = |difficulty = |security = |onlinemulti = |localmulti = |voice = |connectivity = |age = |attitude = |esrb = |pegi = |acb = |content = |subscription = |purchases = |gambling = }}
TV series
{{Parent Filter TV |title = |network = |startdate = |enddate = |length = |description = |characters = |similar = |availability = |rating = |content = }}
{{Parent Filter Film |title = |studio = |release = |length = |description = |characters = |similar = |availability = |rating = |content = }}