New information from The Time of the Doctor needs to be added.
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The Papal Mainframe was a space church, led by the Mother Superious Tasha Lem. The Mainframe, along with several other spaceships, orbited above the planet Trenzalore shortly before the siege that occurred there.
The Mainframe was lead to the planet by a broadcast through the cracks in time. The Mother Superious, Tasha Lem, summoned the Doctor and Clara Oswald to the ship in response to the message. she enlisted their help to discover the meaning of the message by sending them to the planet below to decipher the message.
Upon discovering that the message was the First Question, sent by the Time Lords from their pocket universe, the Doctor was told by Tasha Lem that in saving the Time Lords, he would cause the fleets above to destroy them. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)
Colonel Manton lowered the hoods of the headless monks on the authority of the Papal Mainframe — an act that was otherwise a level 1 heresy. At the time Manton took the action at Demons Run, the Mainframe, or its leader was either actually female or commonly referred to with a feminine pronoun. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War)
Behind the scenes
- In non-narrative sources, the Papal Mainframe was said to be the leader of the Headless Monks (REF: Doctor Who: The Encyclopedia) or the Church. (REF: The Brilliant Book 2012)
- Following their return to their own time, Vastra and Jenny were added to the Papal Mainframe's "most wanted" list. (REF: The Brilliant Book 2012)