The 16th issue of the BBC's fortnightly Doctor Who Adventures.
Free gift
- TARDIS door Hanger and Stickers (England)
- Doctor Who Activity Book (Scotland and Ireland)
Fact File (Photo feature and Essential Info)
- Companion Clash: Sarah Jane Smith vs Rose Tyler
Comic content
- Gangster's Paradise (Part One) (6 pages)
Tales from the TARDIS
- From: TV: World War Three - Featuring Rose Tyler and the Doctor watch as an alien spacecraft crashes into Big Ben.
Monster A-Z
- H is for The Hand of Fear
The Doctor’s Data (Collectable Fact File)
- File 15: Cybermen
Adventure guide and behind the scenes feature
- A3 "We could DEFEAT the Cybermen with ONE DALEK!" Dalek Sec in TV: Doomsday - montage featuring Dalek Sec
- A4 "I was gonna TAKE YOU to so many PLACES!" The Doctor in TV: The Parting of the Ways - montage featuring The Doctor and Rose Tyler
- A4 "EAT HIM if you must. But bring me HIS BRAIN!" Mr Finch in School Reunion - montage featuring Headmaster Finch and flying Krillitane
Additional features
- Welcome (including latest news/ preview teaser)
- The Vortex (Who’s News)
- Humour: ‘’Insane Invasions’’ The Nestene playing table football with Auton players. (By Christopher Cooper)
- Find in this issue hidden somewhere Toby Zed to win a Doctor Who Shaker Maker!
- TARDIS Inbox / Monster Gallery
- (featuring readers letters, photos, and quiz)
- Make It
- Cut out and make Sycorax Mask
- Puzzle Pages
- Competition Goodies: Bedroom Set, Hot Wheels, Millionaire games, Crash and Spyro DS Games
Also listing: favourite Dalek episode
- Editor: Moray Laing, The Parting of the Ways
- Art Editor: Paul Lang, The Dalek Invasion of Earth
- Senior Writer: Annabel Gibson, Doomsday
- Picture Editor: Shaila Bux , Dalek
- Production Editor: Ed Lomas, Genesis of the Daleks
- Editorial Assistant: Olivia McLearon,Bad Wolf
- Office Post delivered by Dalek Sec , Doomsday
Hidden Away / Facts
- This magazine can be recycled. "Dalek Sec will be very cross if you don’t."
- Mini Motto: "Every day you’re sending out probes and messages and signals-this planet’s so noisy. You’re getting noticed."
- Frau Clovis: "The Duke of Manhattan will not accept entries from small green creatures from Mars."
- Sarah Jane Smith’s last regular appearance was in the The Hand of Fear and the character was originally going to be killed off!
Additional details
- Published every two weeks on a Thursday, this issue had a cover price of £1.99 (UK) and was cover marked 100% Official.
- The subscription offer for this issue was a saving of over £6 (UK). No other incentive is offered.
- This issue included an invitation for readers to become Time Agents (receiving a newsletter by e-mail every two weeks).
- This issue's free gift was selotaped to the cover. Readers in Scotland and Ireland, however, had bagged issues with Doctor Who Activity Book as its free gift.
- Next issue's free gift is named as Disappearing TARDIS notebook and stickers. Readers in Hampshire, Berkshire and the Isle of Wight will get a free Doctor Who Activity book instead.
External link
- [ the official BBC magazine site with cover gallery and news of the latest available issue