The 71st issue of the BBC's weekly Doctor Who Adventures.
Free Gift
- This issue’s free gift is a Quiz Book 3
Information / Fact File (Photo feature and Essential Info)
- STORY PREVIEW: Journey's End
Comic Strips
- The Black Hole Gang (Part Two) (5 pages)
Tales From the TARDIS (favourite scene told as a photo-feature)
- From: (DW: Forest of the Dead)
- Featuring CAL revealed
The Doctor’s Data (Collectable Fact File)
Behind the Scenes)
- Filming Midnight
- A3 DW: The Stolen Earth
montage featuring captain Jack, Martha and Sarah Jane - A4 “Just as Dalek Caan FORETOLD” Davros from (DW: The Stolen Earth)
featuring Davros and Dalek Caan - A4 “Earth has been SUBJUGATED!” Supreme Dalek from (DW: The Stolen Earth)
featuring the Supreme Dalek
Also Featuring
- Welcome and news
- Find in this issue hidden somewhere Fortune Teller to win a Doctor Who Uno set!
- Things to do with a defeated enemy: Rev Golightly as a pest controller (by Christopher Cooper).
- Activity / Make-it
- Time Agent Scorecard Story 13
- Mask: Davros
- How to: Make a Node
- How to: make a spud monster (Sontaran)
- Puzzle Pages and Doctor Who Quiz (The Stolen Earth)
- Who Knows (Questions and Answers)
- Readers contributions: Monster Gallery / Time Agent Upload / Doctor You
- featuring reader’s letters, photos, and art.
- Competition Goodies ( Kung Fu Panda goodies, Meet Dave DVD goodies)
- BIG WIN: Life-size Dalek (worth over £2,000) Token 1
Main Team Credits
Also listing: favourite bit of Midnight
Editor: Moray Laing, Loved it all!
Deputy Editor: Annabel Gibson Rose
Senior Art Editor: Paul Lang, The pool being abstract
Art Editor: Steve Clarke “What could possibly go wrong?”
Production Editor: Liza Millett, “Molto bene!”
Picture Editor: Shaila Bux, Sky and the Hostess at the end
Writer: Mel Bezalel, The on-board entertainment
Researcher: Dee Dee, Getting out of Crusader 50!
Hidden Away / Facts
This magazine can be recycled: … stop copying me. DWA is so brilliant. DWA is so brilliant. Yes it is, thank you very much. Yes it is, thank you very much.
Miss Foster: “Just think how many babies we could make out of that chubby Kung-Fu panda…”
- The Dalek Crucible was completed with 27 planets.
- The Doctor had tried to save Davros in the Time War as his command ship was flying into the jaws of the Nightmare Child.
- The Doctor believed Davros to have died at the Gates of Elsium.
- Sky actress Lesley Sharp was helped by an autocue on set.
Further Information
- The subscription offer for this issue with a saving of 30%, over £18 (UK) and a free copy of Creatures and Demons book or 40% off without the addition free gift as leafleted.
- This issue and its free gifts were cover mounted.
- Next issue's free gifts are listed as