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Moving pages
Hi! Please, in the future, if you see a page that needs to be renamed/moved, do not do it yourself. Instead, use either a {{Rename}} or {{Speedy rename}} tag so an admin can do the work instead.
Even though the wiki allows for non-admins to move pages, there are some parts of the process that non-admins can't do. Using the tags allows the admins to take care of the entire process. You can read more on this topic at Thread:128198. Thanks! Shambala108 ☎ 04:48, March 19, 2015 (UTC)
Re: Human Nature
Don't worry about. We're all here to help each other. Since I'm currently reading it, it's fresh in my memory hehe. TheFartyDoctor Talk 22:32, April 25, 2015 (UTC)