The Tritivores were a species of fly-headed humanoids. (DW: Planet of the Dead)
Tritivores were grey-skinned humanoids with insectoid heads resembling those of flies. Their heads had two large compund eyes, and several complex parts making up a mouth. Tritivores communicated by clicking these parts to produce sound. They had simple, two-digit hands. They ate the excretion of other species. (DW: Planet of the Dead)
The Tritivores have fairly large starships used for trade which are powered using a crystal nucleus. A swarm of Alien Stingrays jammed the ships' open glove system and caused the ship to lose velocity. The open glove system had a security field to prevent objects falling down the shaft, this field could be turne of using a nearby button. At the bottom of the open glove system was a crystal that powered the ship. Alongside this were four Anti-gravity clamps that helped this to fly.
The Tritivores were found to be trading with the planet of San Helios but crash landed after they encountered a swarm of Alien Stingrays that had turned the planet into a desert by devouring everything in sight. They used viewscreens to scour the desert to find life. They found the Doctor and brought him to there ship. He helped them turn the power of the ship back on but the two occupant Tritivores on the ship were eaten by a previously dormant Swarm creature concealed in the ship.
- According to Russell T Davies they will hopefully be remembered as well as the Daleks, and the Cybermen.