Four Doctors was a miniseries published by Titan Comics. It served as a three-way crossover between Titan's ongoing series Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor, Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor and Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor, uniting the three Doctors and their companions, as well as marking the Titan Comics début of the War Doctor. It also featured a cameo by the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler. It's also the first time that an incarnation from the Doctor's second regeneration cycle met two incarnations from his original cycle.
What shocking past event brings three Doctors together — to combat an unknown foe with three incarnations in its sights?
- The main setting, plot, and villains within Four Doctors appear to be a call-back to Doctor Who and the Daleks, one of the first non-TV pieces of Doctor Who media. Both feature parts of their stories set on Marinus and Earth, and both feature the Daleks and Voord as villains while illustrating the two in a struggle.
- All three issues feature unique narration from each of the different characters.
- Issue one takes the story mainly from Clara Oswald's point-of-view, with her internal monologues and no one else's.
- Issue two features the journal scribblings and thoughts of Gabby Gonzalez.
- Issue three featured Alice Obiefune's internal comments during the story.
- Issue four featured Gabby's internal comments during the story.
- The comic was printed with back-up stories.
- Issue 1 included The Doctor Shops for Comics.
- Issue 2 included Open Mic Night.
- Issue 3 included The Meeting.
- Issue 4 included The Doctors Do... Classic Comedy.
- Issue 5 included The Doctor Shops for Angels, completing the loop to the first back-up strip.
- After its 5-issue print run, the story was reprinted in Titan's Doctor Who Comic magazine. Its launch saw a restart of that magazine's numbering scheme.