The first series of The Sarah Jane Adventures was broadcast following the broadcast of a special 60 minute episode on the 1st January 2007. The season proper aired during the final months of 2007 and consited of five two-part stories, with each episode running 25 minutes in length (the first time 25-minute episodes have been used in the Doctor Who franchise since the parent series ended in 1989).
The Team
- Sarah Jane Smith - Elisabeth Sladen
- Maria Jackson - Yasmin Paige
- Luke Smith - Tommy Knight
- Clyde Langer - Daniel Anthony (From Revenge of the Slitheen)
- Kelsey Harper - Porsha Lawrence-Mavour (Invasion of the Bane only)
Television stories
Special (2007)
Series 1 (2007)
- Revenge of the Slitheen (2 episodes)
- Eye of the Gorgon (2 episodes)
- Warriors of Kudlak (2 episodes)
- Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane? (2 episodes)
- The Lost Boy (2 episodes)
Although broadcast separately from the rest of the season, the BBC considers Invasion of the Bane to be part of Series 1, and released it as such to DVD.
Aliens and Enemies
Season 1 of The Sarah Jane Adventures marked the first time since since the early 1990s that novelisations were commissioned for televised episodes of a Doctor Who franchise production. The first four novelisations were published in 2007, with the last two following in 2008.
DVD Release
- Invasion of the Bane was released on a vanilla DVD on 29 October 2007.
- It was the first Doctor Who related DVD to not be released by 2Entertain since 2005's Doctor Who Volume 2.
- The Complete First Series (including Invasion of the Bane) was released on 10 November 2008.
Next series: SJA Series 2 |