The Dr Who Annual 1971 was the sixth Doctor Who annual published by World Distributors. It was released on September 1970.
- Release Number 6
- Publisher World Distributors
- Released in September 1970
- Priced 12s 6d (62.5p)
- Format Hardback 96 pages
- Featured Doctor: The Third Doctor
- Featured Companions: Liz Shaw, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
- Featured Enemies:
Text stories
- The Mind Extractors
- Soldiers from Zolta
- The Ghouls of Grestonspey
- Caught in the Web
- Invaders Invisible
- The Dark Planet
- Caverns of Horror
- A Universe Called Fred
to be added
to be added
Additional notes
- The Doctor is referred to throughout as "Dr Who".
- The cover and internal illustrations were by Ron Smethurst (Production Manager at World Distributors).
- A PDF of the entire Doctor Who Annual 1971 was included as a bonus feature on Disc 2 of the DVD set for Inferno.