Sin-Eaters was the fifth story in the Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor comic series, published in 2017.
- You may be looking for The Sin Eaters (audio story).
The Doctor is arrested for the murder of Tara Mishra and is taken to Hesguard Institute, a place that prides itself on being able to cure its patients of their criminal urges. But when they try their "treatment" on the Doctor, it becomes apparent that their cure isn't as effective as it would seem.
Part one
to be added
Part two
to be added
- The Doctor is put under the Bad Wolf Process.
- Rose pretends to be an Earth Examiner.
- Jackie used to love The Magic Roundabout.
- The Doctor's Sin-Eater shows the faces of his second, fifth, seventh and eighth incarnations as well as that of the War Doctor.
- One of the former patients murdered 98 inhabitants of the planet Redron-Seven.
- Franku Miorito and Gana Medeiros were former patients of director Highsmith.
- Despite the Doctor being incarcerated at Remand Station Mackay-One in the 23rd century at the end of Slaver's Song, this story is set at Hesguard Institute in the 53rd century.
- When delirious due to the effects of the Bad Wolf Process, the Doctor utters the words "no more". This is the vow that the War Doctor made at the end of the Time War. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)
- The Doctor jettisons the Matryoshka drive, and his "brother" with it, into the Void. Its use in the Battle of Canary Wharf would result in his next incarnation's forced separation from Rose. (TV: Doomsday)
- The Doctor promotes his jettison with "for my next trick", as he did while saving Gallifrey and as he would do before landing on the Dalek flagship. (TV: The Day of the Doctor, The Parting of the Ways)