Released in between 2002 and 2006, Big Finish Productions' the Sarah Jane Smith series of audio dramas explored the life of Sarah Jane Smith in the years after she was left on Earth by the Doctor. The series took place in the present day. K-9 Mark III did not appear in these stories as he has broken down and is in a box in Sarah Jane's attic and is dismantled by Hilda Winters when she finds the box.
The final episode of the series, Dreamland, was released only a few weeks before Sladen returned to Doctor Who as Sarah Jane in School Reunion. This episode led to the commissioning of a new TV spin-off series, The Sarah Jane Adventures, which in turn resulted in the Big Finish audio series terminating. The TV continuation makes no reference to the events of the audios, but School Reunion reveals that K-9 had been non-functional for quite some time as of that story, suggesting a reason for K-9 not participating in the audio adventures.
Publisher's Summary
Back on Earth, former travelling companion of the Doctor, intrepid journalist Sarah Jane Smith, fights corruption and crime. A series of self-contained adventures on single CD.
Sarah Jane Smith
Series One
Series Two
Cast & Characters
Series One
- Sarah Jane Smith - Elisabeth Sladen
- Josh Townsend - Jeremy James
- Natalie Redfern - Sadie Miller
- Ellie Martin - Juliet Warner
Series Two
- Sadie Miller, who performs alongside Elisabeth Sladen in almost all the audios, is Elisabeth Sladen's daughter.
- The core cast does not change throughout the 4 stories, however in each story there are various additional cast and characters (see individual stories for more detail).