A shopping centre or a shopping mall was a facility containing multiple shops and places of leisure.[source needed]
On Earth
Two centres called Queen's Arcade were located in Cardiff (COMIC: Rift War!) and London respectively. The latter was most notebly caught up in the 2005 Nestene invasion of Earth. (TV: Rose)
Other shopping centres located in London included the White Cross shopping mall, opened in West London in 2011 (AUDIO: Judgement Day), and the Fleet Estate Centre. (TV: The Zygon Inversion)
High Street Arcade was a shopping centre in Cardiff. (TV: Ghost Machine)
The Meadowhall Centre was in Sheffield. (TV: Arachnids in the UK)
Constitution Mall was located in San Pedro, California. (TV: The Middle Men)
Shady Pines Shopping Mall was located in Lychburg. (PROSE: Heart of TARDIS)
Other planets
Spaceport One was located on the outskirts of Dorfnan City. (PROSE: Rory's Adventure)
Liater was a planet covered entirely with shopping malls. (COMIC: The Greatest Mall in the Universe)
Mall-planet was located near Nebula 6879H. (COMIC: A Rose by Any Other Name)
Cosmomart was an entire planet that had been converted into a mall. (COMIC: Supremacy of the Cybermen)
Other references
Pete Goran and another law enforcer were killed during a bombing at a local mall. (PROSE: The Report)
The Duke and Duchess of Auckland first met in a food mall. (PROSE: Placebo Effect)
The PoriPhylum attempted to take over a shopping mall, before they were stopped by the Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond and Rory Williams. (COMIC: Dawn of the Living Bread)