The Mark I Travel Machine was a prototype Dalek created by Davros. (AUDIO: Guilt) The Daleks were later perfected in the Mark III Travel Machine. (TV: Genesis of the Daleks)
The first Mark I Travel Machine created by Davros hosted the brain of Baran, a captured Thal spy. (AUDIO: Guilt)
A group of Mark I Daleks were stranded in their city on Skaro, as their casings were powered by static electricity channeled by the metal floors of the City, preventing them from leaving it. They eventually found that the Thals had also survived what was known as the neutronic war. After discovering that they had become dependent on the background radiation to the point of the anti-radiation meds Susan Foreman gave them being lethal to them, the Daleks attempted to vent radiation from their nuclear reactors into the atmosphere which would have left them as the only living species on Skaro. The First Doctor and his companions led a Thal assault and deactivated their power, believing that he had wiped out the Daleks altogether in the process (the necessity of which crime he lamented, though he saw no other way). (TV: The Daleks)