What's it gonna be? Since Steven's already used the daleks........--The Twelfth Doctor 20:40, January 11, 2010 (UTC)
Possibly The Devil, or Midnight Entity if not the Daleks 22:09, January 11, 2010 (UTC)
Or the Weeping Angels. But I do see the former coming back, one day, in the Moffat era. Delton Menace 00:08, January 12, 2010 (UTC)
The Finale is going to be unknown. Moffat won't use any of RTD's creations and he has said no classic monsters will return other than the weeping angels which will appear in episode 4+5 and the daleks in episode 3. Therefore the villain will be most definitely new. -- Michael Downey 00:46, January 12, 2010 (UTC)
One word: Timoreen. And the mentioned of how there will be a yellow monster. If the Timoreen are yellow, we damn well know Moffat lied a bit there. We already heard abour our friends Slitheen (green), Blathereen (orange), Rakateen (unknown), something else with 'een', and they all vary in colour and belong to the Raxo-whatsisface race. Timoreen and the mention of a yellow monster is no exception. No doubt Timoreen (yellow?) is one of the family Raxos. The Raxos were a creation of Russell T. Davies.
Also, the Beast isn't a creation of Russell T. Davies, he is an entity based on real mythology. The episode wasn't written by RTD, either. And the Beast was mentioned and referenced in the classic series, but finally appeared in the revived series. Entiies connected to the Beast appeared in the old series, however. Moffat wrote something about an entity who claimed to be Satan (but was not) before, and that entity had the same voice actor as who voiced the Beast, I believe. Moffat is all for darker stories. Delton Menace 00:50, January 12, 2010 (UTC)
You're probably right in saying it's gonna be a new one. I'm confident the beast won't be it. I think the Timoreen will be the monsters for Richard Curtis' episode, because he said that his episode would feature one of his favorite people from history. That's Vincent Van Gogh, who stabs a yellow monster(the Timoreen). I don't think Steven will lump River Song and the Weeping Angels in the same episode, that would be a bit vain, so it's probably the Weeping Angels.--The Twelfth Doctor 13:33, January 12, 2010 (UTC)
No the weeping angels and River Song are in the same episode (Episode 4 + 5) it has been confirmed. -- Michael Downey 15:27, January 12, 2010 (UTC)
Ah, then it's still a mystery...--The Twelfth Doctor 18:08, January 12, 2010 (UTC)
They are in the same episode. You can see River with a bunch of army men being pursued by the Weeping Angels in a tunnel. Delton Menace 02:53, January 13, 2010 (UTC)