Regeneration Impossible was the fifth story of the tenth season of Big Finish Productions' Short Trips series.
Publisher's summary
The Doctor is in his TARDIS atop a cloud above Victorian London. He’s retired, no longer interfering in the affairs of others. There’s nothing that could make him help anyone else. Except, perhaps, the lure of another Time Lord...
The Doctor is locked in a mortuary in Victorian London, dying. He can’t escape and doesn’t know how to keep himself alive. Just when he thinks it can’t get any worse, he finds himself locked in with the one person he hates most in the entire universe.
to be added
- The Eleventh Doctor rejects a request for help from Vastra.
- The Eleventh Doctor detects both artron energy and regeneration energy.
- The Twelfth Doctor refers to Rassilon.
- From the Eleventh Doctor's perspective, this story is set shortly before The Snowmen. (REF: DWM 551)
- From the Twelfth Doctor's perspective, this story is set at some point before The Pilot. (REF: DWM 551)
- Unusual for a Short Trips story, Jacob Dudman performs the story as an audio drama rather than narrated from the third person.
- This story was recorded on 24 April 2019 at the Soundhouse.
- The Eleventh Doctor mistakes the Twelfth Doctor for the Master. (TV: Terror of the Autons, etc)
- The Eleventh Doctor learns that he is to save Gallifrey. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)
- The Twelfth Doctor refers to himself as "the man who stops the monsters." (TV: Flatline)
- The Twelfth Doctor refers to his past association with UNIT. (TV: The Invasion, etc)
- Gregory Chapman uses a Time Ring. (TV: Genesis of the Daleks, Revenge of the Cybermen)
- The Eleventh Doctor believes he is the last incarnation of his regeneration cycle. (TV: The Time of the Doctor, PROSE: Four Doctors)
- The Eleventh Doctor decides to leave the TARDIS behind to investigate the possibility of another Time Lord, saying that the last time he took the TARDIS she nearly became dinner. (TV: Last of the Time Lords)
- The Eleventh Doctor says that regenerating in a morgue is something "you only do once". (TV: Doctor Who)
External links
- Official Regeneration Impossible page at