Did you know . . .
- ... that Balmoral Castle was once removed from Scotland by the Judoon? (NSA: Revenge of the Judoon)
- ... that Dragonfire establishes Ace to be 16 years old, a full decade younger than her actor, Sophie Aldred?
- ... that the Catkind evolved on the planet New Savannah? (IDW: Agent Provocateur)
- ... that the date on Rory Williams' Royal Leadworth Hospital ID badge is "not a signficiant plot thing", according to an answer Steven Moffat gave an American fan at a New York Apple Store?
- ... that the story begun in BFA: City of Spires is actually continued first in The Companion Chronicles' Night's Black Agents before returning to main Doctor Who range in The Wreck of the Titan?
To suggest a DYK fact, see DYK nominations. ✍