Fair enough. To be clear, the "poppycock" comment referred to the suggestion to continue treating the two Romanas III as one incarnation; I think this thread has moved on from that at least. The question of what to do with "Trey" was another question, which I admitted was thornier.
Anyway, yes, your assessment seems quite sound to me. I did want to make sure we had no information on the subject, though; recall the earlier discussion of a quote which seemed like it said that Romana had lived on into an 8th incarnation at the least. But it looks like there isn't.
This is a very pleasant result, because if "Trey" and the Landau Romana are one and the same, then I believe we get to name the Landau Romana page "Trey", preserving the "Romana III" page for the novels' version. No cumbersome dabbing required. Correct?